1 Ch 12:32 Of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their kinsmen were at their command.

The sons of Issachar were intelligent men, who understood the signs of the times, well versed in political affairs, and knew what was proper to be done in all the exigencies of human life; and who now perceived that it was both the duty and political interest of Israel to advance David to the throne.Today we seek sons and daughters of Issachar, men and women who understand the times we are living in and know what is to be done in all the exigencies of human life to advance King Jesus to His throne.

This blog is devoted to seeking Biblical truth related to current world events.

Friday, March 26, 2021

The Passover Pattern



THE PASSOVER PATTERN (D.P. Weary, 3-26-2021)

The Passover pattern is the process by which God brings deliverance to His people when they find themselves captives under the control of evil oppressors and they cry out to God to rescue them.


·         The pattern

o   Israel in captivity in Egypt (Egyptians)

§  God’s people in the time of Jesus (Romans)

·         A possible manifestation of the pattern in the last days: The deliverance and restoration for the world (Satan)

o   A speculation: The pattern manifested in our day (the cabal)


·         God’s children in trouble under evil oppressors

o   Egyptians [Ex 12:1-7]

§  Romans

·         The world under Satan’s rulership (the prince and god of this world)

o   USA from L.B. Johnson, 1963 (or before) to Obama (2016)

·         God sends an unlikely anointed one

o   Baby Moses

§  Baby Jesus

·         The Holy Spirit in and through an anointed, born again, Holy Spirit-filled people (the first Pentecost, 30 AD) [Acts 1, 2]

o   Trump born 1946 (God’s servant, like a Cyrus or a Jehu)

·         Gap of time

o   There was a gap of 80 years until Moses began to act. [Ex 12]

§  There was a 30-year gap until Jesus began to act.

·         There was a gap between 30 AD outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the latter-day outpouring of the Holy Spirit (1960-1967 Charismatic Renewal, JFK assonated in 1963, and the 1967, 6-day war in Israel).

o   There was a 70-year gap before Trump became president.

·         Spiritual warfare

o   Plagues in Egypt were intense spiritual warfare with the gods of Egypt (estimated to have been over a 40 day to 4-month time span). [Ex 9, 10, 11]

§  Jesus spends 40 days in the wilderness dealing directly with Satan. [Mk 1:12-13]

·         There has been intense spiritual warfare on the earth since the charismatic Renewal (1963 to 2013 = 50 years).

o   There was intense spiritual warfare during the years of planning for the eventual overthrow of corruption in the USA government (1963 to 2013 = 50 years = 1 Jubilee)


·         Three days darkness/delay

o   The 9th plague in Egypt is 3 days of darkness (no darkness in God’s children’s homes), then with the 10th plague the angel of death passed over the Hebrews and they began their exodus from Egypt.

§  Jesus tarried 3 days then came the resurrection of Lazarus. [Jn 11]

·         There are 3 years of delay and darkness, war, famine, disease, death, and destruction of the events of Revelation 6 then comes a resurrection/miracle, the rapture of the Church. [Rev 6]

o   Trump is recruited to become president in 2013. There are 3 years of darkness/trouble, then Trump is elected president in 2016 (Trump is 70 years old).

·         Four days testing [Lev 23:6, Ex 12:1-18, 13:3-7]

o   The Passover lamb is examined for 4 days before the Feast of Unleavened Bread

§  Jesus teaches (is examined by the Rabis) in the Temple before His arrest. [Mat 21:12-17, Lk 19:45-48]

·         First 4 trumpet blasts of the Tribulation (natural disasters then darkness during the 4th year). [Rev 8-22]

o   There are 4 years of testing, trouble, yet enlightenment (exposing evil), and accomplishments during Trump’s first 4 years of his presidency,

·         A significant event – that looks like a tragedy (a death)

o   The Passover lamb is slain (but its blood will protect the Hebrews from the angel of death).

§  Jesus is crucified (His death and resurrection defeat death and the grave forever for those that make Him their Lord and Savior). [Mk 15:25-35]

·         During the 4th year of the great tribulation, the Temple is desecrated and Satan is incarnated (but this will lead to his final destruction).

o   Trump is defeated through fraud (but this will lead to a great miraculous event).

·         Three days of darkness until a deliverance/restoration miracle event [Ex 13:19-24, 14:23-28, 15:19, Ps 136:15]]

o   Israel begins the exodus, travels 3 days, gathers the body of Joseph (gathers the dead), travels to the shore of the Red Sea where they are trapped by the Egyptians, then God parts the Red Sea to deliver them from Egypt. [Ex 14:21-29]

§  Jesus is 3 days in a tomb, is resurrected, then leads captives to Paradise as He ascends to the Father.  [Jn 19:31-42, Lev 23:6, Ex 13:3-10, Jn 6:51, Jn 19:36-42, 1 Cor 5:7-8][

·         The 3 woes (years) of the great tribulation, raising the tribulation saints, then Jesus’ return.

o   For the USA (even the world) there continues trouble for 3 years, extreme demonic activity, wars, famines, sickness, plagues, natural disasters, but it is a time of drawing people into God’s Kingdom, then there is a sudden deliverance for God’s people.