Link to DEATH AND RESURRECTION – HLS FOX Team 1 - A short story by D.P. Weary about with how people with very special abilities, talents, or even handicaps, deal with a world of normal people. It is often extremely difficult. Rejection, isolation, and abuse are common for people such as these. For good, “normal” people trying to help them, and especially to love them, the challenges are great. For these special people, the challenges to love others, even to simply express love, are often even greater. In the natural, good well-meaning people often use behavior modification technics, various therapies and programs, manipulation and control, and even drugs to attempt to change how these people think and deal with life. For many, like geniuses, most of their brain functions are devoted to gaining, storing, and processing information. Little is left for social graces, and what the world considers “normal” relationships and emotional behavior. Their brains simply do not function in what the world considers “normal” behaviors. People trying to change this sometimes end up trying to be “God”. The results are often tragic. Far too many end up living lives with great depression, emotional breakdowns, in mental hospitals, and even in suicide.
So, is there
any hope for these special people of our world? HLS Fox Team One is a story of
finding that hope.