the Greatest Story Ever Told-
D.P. Weary
After several years of studying the prophets and prophecies
of the Bible, and now watching the events of the day in the nations of the
earth, especially in the Middle East, I have developed a scenario for the days
ahead of us. This scenario is an outline for a story or novel, not unlike those
of Joel Rosenberg. A good title for this story would be “Apocalypse Now” or
“How the World Turns” except these have already been used.
The story begins with today’s headlines: Tunisia government
falls. Egyptian government falls. Sudan votes to divide itself in half, the
northern half falling under radical Islamic control. Lebanese government falls.
Protests arise in the streets against the government in Jordan. In Azerbaijan
there are terrorist threats targeting Americans. Turkey strengthens ties with
Iran and forsakes Israel. Political trouble arises in Syria. Iran could have
nuclear weapons by 2012. Pakistan doubles its nuclear arsenal. Iran declares an
Islamic Middle East Empire is arising.
What is going on? Radical changes are occurring in the
Middle East and Israel finds itself without any friends in the Middle East and
very few friends around the world. The U.N. and even the U.S.A. are turning
their backs on Israel. My story is all about what is going on. It is a story
based on the prophecies of the Bible as I see them. It is a story of the rising
of an empire in the Middle East that will be in place at the time that Jesus
returns to establish His Kingdom on earth. It is a story about the last chapter
of The Greatest Story Ever Told.
Here is the outline of the
- The story begins with revolutions as radical
Islamic leaders take control of northern Africa including Libya, Egypt,
and northern Sudan.
- Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Iran,
Afghanistan, and Pakistan all come under the control of Islamic fanatics
as radical Muslims move to establish an Islamic Middle East.
- These nations form a loose federation of ten
nations under the control of a revived Caliphate. This federation is very
similar to the Islamic Empire that overcame Rome in 1453 A.D.
Geographically these nations will occupy the same territory, as did the
Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Macedonian, and old Roman Empires.
- This confederacy is a loose federation in that
the people within these nations are often found fighting and killing each
other over a variety of issues. Like iron and clay, they do not mix well
together. The commonality that does bind these nations together is Allah,
Islamic Sharia law and a hatred of Israel and Jews. All openly declare
their desire to wipe Israel off the map and kill all Jews. We note that
all of these nations at one time or another were a part of historical
empires that invaded and controlled the land of Israel and Jerusalem.
- From among these ten nations, a leader arises
who will galvanize them into an international force. He uses flatteries,
intrigues, deception, briberies, terrorism and brute force to become the
leader of the federation. He comes from the nations that were once known
as the Seleucid Empire. This empire included the eastern part of Turkey,
Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran and the western part of Pakistan.
- After this leader establishes control of the
coalition he orchestrates an attack on Israel. There is much devastation
and death, not only in Israel, but also in Damascus, Ammon, Egypt and in
other places in the Middle East.
As the forces of these ten nations near Jerusalem, they are defeated
and retreat back into their respective nations. The primary reasons for
their defeat are unusual weather phenomena, a massive earthquake, and what
seem to be supernaturally empowered Israeli military forces.
- During the earthquake and turmoil, all true
believers in Jesus around the world suddenly disappear from the face of
the earth. These events occur during the September/October time of year.
- At this turn of events, the leader of the ten
nations negotiates a limited cease fire or treaty. It is an agreement to
cease hostilities for seven years. The treaty is signed ten days after the
earthquake and the retreat of the ten nation’s forces. This signing occurs
on the Day of Atonement in Jerusalem.
- Part of this treaty allows the religious Jews
to begin rebuilding their Temple in Jerusalem. The altar of sacrifice is
the first stage of the construction and it is completed in 295 days. The
sacrificial system of worship is reinstated at this time. The Temple
itself is not completed for another 965 days.
- During the 31/2 years following the signing of
the treaty there are a series of world wide natural disasters including
meteor strikes, volcanoes, earthquakes and unusual storms. There is much
devastation and hardship throughout the entire world. Also during these
31/2 years, a large group of Messianic Jews who are dedicated to serve
Jesus and who are great evangelists begin proclaiming the Christian
Gospel, leading many to know Jesus.
- Oppressive activity including terrorism,
intimidation, military force and economic power is used to drive the other
nations of the earth to come under the control of the leader of the
ten-nation confederacy and under Sharia Law. This stirs up great
resistance in many parts of the world, especially in the Far East. Because of this, towards the end of
these 3½ years a large military force from the Far East attacks the
ten-nation federation now headquartered in Israel. There is great
destruction and bloodshed during the ensuing battles. But in the end the
Far Eastern armies are repelled. But, after several years they will try
- At the defeat of this great army the leader of
the federation becomes known as invincible and undefeatable, even
supernaturally empowered. With this fame and his classic narcissistic
nature, 1230 days after he negotiates the peace treaty, he stands in the
Holy of Holies in the recently completed Temple in Jerusalem and declares
himself to be God.
- During the next 30 days, another leader arises
who is a religious figure and a great supporter of the leader of the
ten-nation federation. This man places a statue of the first leader in the
Holy of Holies in the Temple. He demands that everyone worship this leader
and take a mark on their hand or forehead identifying them as worshippers
of the leader. Without this mark people are unable to buy and sell in the
- As a result of this desecration of the Temple,
the Jews now know that this great leader has deceived them. At Passover,
1260 days after the signing of the peace treaty this leader formally
breaks the treaty. As the now infamous leader stands in the Temple during
the Feast of Passover, someone who has the ability to get physically close
him strikes him on the neck or head with a dagger, apparently killing him.
- What happens next astounds the world. Three
days after being stabbed, he apparently comes back to life. At this point
he turns his fury upon the Jews and begins a relentless and vicious
persecution of all Jews and in fact, on all who will not worship him.
Incarnate Evil now enters the world.
- During the next 31/2 years there are a series
of great natural disasters and plagues. There is great pollution of the
waters of the earth. Diseases and cancerous sores are epidemic. Even the
atmosphere is changed such that the sun’s rays scorch human flesh. For the
Jews and Israel it is a time of trouble as has never been before.
- During these 31/2 years many killed for their
faith in God and Jesus and their unwillingness to worship the evil leader
of the ten-nation federation.
- Also during this time two unusual men there
appear in Jerusalem. They are voices for God during these times. They have
unusual powers to control weather, cause plagues, and pollute the waters
of the earth. The leader and his forces are not able to kill or stop them
from their works or their prophesying.
- Near the end of these second 31/2 years a
rebellion arises in North Africa. The forces of the federation are sent to
quell the rebellion. But before they are successful, intelligence reveals
that a large military force from the Far East is once again approaching
Israel over a dried up Euphrates River. Then another military force is
detected approaching from the far north. The federation forces retreat
back to Israel to deal with these approaching armies and as they do, the
forces from Egypt and North Africa pursue them. The final clash between
the forces from the north, east, and south and the 10-nation federation
begins 10 days before the Day of Atonement.
- Three days before this Day of Atonement, forces
of the leader of the federation are finally able to kill the two men who have
been tormenting them for the past 31/2 years.
- The carnage from the battles going on in Israel
is very great, so much so that it colors the waters in Israel red with
blood. As the battles in Israel rage, they turn nuclear and the
devastation spreads to other parts of the world.
- Then, on the Day of Atonement, exactly seven
years after the aborted peace treaty was signed, as the whole world is
about to self-destruct, first the two special witness are resurrected in
Jerusalem before the eyes of the world. Then the King of kings (Jesus the
Christ, Jesus the Messiah) comes streaking into the battles from the sky
with His holy angels and His saints, (His Bride, the true church) with
- The battles end on the Day of Atonement in the
Jezreel Valley with a word from the Lord. The leader of the last empire
(the 10-nation federation) and his associates are then destroyed along
with all the enemies of God.
- Five days later there is a great celebration in
Jerusalem. It is a wedding banquet for the Lord Jesus and His Bride, the
true church.
- By 75 days after the Lord’s return, the Temple has been cleansed, purified and
set right for the resumption of Temple worship. Temple worship begins with
a great celebration during the Feast of Hanukkah in December.
- The story ends as Jesus establishes His Throne
in Jerusalem and with His Bride at His side begins a 1000-year rule on
earth as King of kings and Lord of lords.
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