The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Revelation 6:1–17)
Revelation Series: Part 15
Revelation Series: Part 15
Pastor John Bornschein
Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Early Edition was a
popular television program in the early 1990s that featured a young man that
regularly received the next day’s newspaper a day ahead of time. Because he
always knew the future, the man’s task in each episode was to save people from
a tragedy or problem he had read about in tomorrow’s newspaper. So, if he knew
a building was going to burn, he tried to keep people from entering into it. Or
if someone was going to be hurt by an act of violence, or in an accident, he
tried to prevent the encounter from taking place.
Most of us would like to have the knowledge that this man
did. Yet, we fail to realize that the book of Revelation is an “early edition”
of future events. Now we have arrived at Revelation
6 which is the precursor to a 7-year period called “the tribulation” (Matthew 24:21; Revelation 8–18). This section makes up almost two-thirds of the
book of Revelation. This should cause us to stop and ask, “Is Revelation
relevant? If so, why should we spend energy studying the time before and during
the tribulation period when we believe (or hope and pray) that we will be
raptured prior to this time?”
Studying the tribulation serves several important purposes:
(1) the pre-tribulation and tribulation period should scare the living
daylights out of us. God’s holiness, as expressed through His justice and
wrath, should overwhelm us. It should spark a newfound appreciation for His
love and grace; (2) the tribulation should also sober us. It should lead us to
take our lives more seriously and to live them according to eternal values. As
a result, we will not put so much attachment upon the things of this earth,
once we see what will become of them. We will also live more thoughtfully for
eternity, finding our source and satisfaction in God; and (3) the tribulation
should compel us to go out into our world as ambassadors for Jesus Christ,
delivering people from the wrath to come. Believe me when I say that no human
being will want to go through this time. If all of these terrifying events don’t
cause us to tell others about Jesus Christ, what will?
Today we are looking at the first set of judgments on the
earth as the seals are being opened. So, one question that comes up is – “How long does it take to open the seals?”
The short answer is – we don’t know. But here are some
theories I have summarized for you:
33 years: Revelation 6 could be a period of 33
years with Revelation 8 starting the
final seven years for a total of 40 years. 40 years was the number it took for
Israel to be purified and ready to take the Promised Land, and 40 years was the
period between Jesus’ death and resurrection and the fall of Jerusalem.
3 years:
Since the Trumpets will align with the Feast of Trumpets, the final Shemitah
cycle, it is possible that the 10 days that Smyrna was told to persevere (the
10 days of trouble – Revelation 2:10)
could all imply that the Seals will last three years (one year for every day
Christ was in the earth) followed by seven years of tribulation. The last seven
years is referred to as “one week” in Daniel
9:27, so it is possible that 10 days could refer to 10 years.
40 days: We
can look at the plagues of Egypt and see that this destruction occurred over a
period of 40 days (Exodus 7–11), and
it was over 40 days that Goliath tormented Israel and insulted the God of
Israel (1 Samuel 17). Jesus defeated
Satan in the wilderness after 40 days (Matthew
4) and 40 days was the number it took to cleanse the earth for Noah
(although Noah was on the ark for approximately 330 days after the rains
stopped – Genesis 7–8).
10 days: We
could take the 10 days of trouble (Revelation
2:10) spoken of to the church of Smyrna as a literal 10 days in a future
tense but, given the magnitude of the global impact that occurs and the
cultural response time for implementing new systems of governing (scales for
food distribution – see Seal #3), it
seems feasible to deduce that a period of 40 days to three years is more
Revelation 4, 5, and 7 seem to go together (things that occur in a heavenly realm are
not necessarily on the same timeline as they are here on earth – especially
given that heaven is a place of timelessness). Prior to the Rapture, it is
possible that the final church era will experience the trials of the first six
seals. This is why we must persevere (just like Jesus directed Smyrna to do).
The good news is that the Rapture appears to occur before the seventh seal is opened
– the final seven years of trial like the world has never known that is poured
out upon mankind (known as “the tribulation”).
Revelation moves from the Courtroom scene of Revelation 5 to the seals and then back
to the multitudes of heaven. One way to interpret this may be like John bearing
witness to the Courtroom, then a DVD player is pulled out in front of those
seated as witnesses and shows what will come of the six seals. Once this
message is played, the DVD is turned off and the Courtroom scene continues –
which may explain why Revelation 4, 5, and 7 seem to be one concurrent scene with a flash-forward revealing
what will happen when the scrolls are opened by the breaking of each seal.
It is also important to understand that the opened seals don’t
end when the trumpets of Revelation 8
start blowing. These will become compounded trials upon the earth. The seals
are not resealed, but those judgments continue. We will have the seals opened,
trumpets blown, and bowls poured out by the end.
Some say that the seals, trumpets, and bowls are the same
judgments revealed in more detail as you progress in Revelation, but that is
clearly not the case.
The seals being opened reminds me of when the military would
drop bombs or shoot missiles at a beach front to “soften them up” before the
ground troops would go in.
Jesus is about to gather his troops and cleanse the land. He
did this before with Joshua. In fact, pop quiz, who led the battle against
Jericho? Many will think Joshua did, but rather we read in Joshua 5, that Joshua encounters the Lord, I believe it was Jesus
(a Christophany). He then tells him
to have seven priests to lead the Ark with shofars.
Did you know that Jesus (Yeshua) is a variant word of
Yehoshua (Joshua)?
Joshua was a commander who leads a 7-year campaign against seven
of an original 10 nations.
He will send in two witnesses, sound seven trumpets, and they
will watch signs and wonders occur as a result in the heavens – hailstones,
fire from heaven, the sun going backward, etc.
Then as the kings of the land run in fear, they will hide in
caves (Joshua 10). So what Jericho
represents is what we see unfold here in the last days.
Jesus will
sovereignly judge this world (6:1–8). The first four seals seem to
belong together (6:1–8). (1) They are
introduced by one of the four living creatures (6:1, 3, 5, 7).
(2) Each seal is preceded with a call to “Come.” (3) Each seal contains the
image of a horse and rider (6:2, 4, 5,
8). (4) In each of the seals there is
a progression of meaning given for each of the four seals: conquering, making
war, famine, and death. (5) Each of these seals is opened by the Lamb, Jesus
Christ. (6) Each seal is given its authority by Christ (“and to him was granted…”).
John sees the whole process of judgment under the control of God. The conqueror
has only what Almighty God allows him to have. God is completely sovereign, so
His people do not need to be dismayed. The fifth and sixth seals seem to be
distinct (6:9–11, 12–17) and the seventh seal introduces
the trumpet judgments (8:1).
Keep in mind that we have not yet entered the 70th
week of Daniel – the final seven years. Our focus today is what happens as
global economies and powers shift from events that unfold at the opening of the
seals. This sets the stage for the Beast.
The First Seal (6:1–2)
“1 Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I
heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come
and see.” 2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on
it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to
conquer.” (Revelation 6:1–2)
John was an eyewitness of this revelation that came to him as
action scenes in a film rather than as words from the pages of a book. When the
Lamb broke the first of the seven seals on the scroll that He had taken from
God, one of the four creatures (Revelation
4:6–7) called out with a voice of thunder. The “voice of thunder” is
symbolic of judgment, as a coming storm. It is a voice of terror, majesty, and
judgment! The command given is, “Come.” This was probably an invitation to the
first horseman rather than to John or to Christ. The angel gave this command
four times (6:1, 3, 5, 7), and each time a horseman on a horse came forth. In
6:2, a rider came riding on a white horse with a bow and a crown for the
purpose of conquering.
This verse does not say who rides this “white horse.”
However, it is most likely the coming Antichrist (Daniel 9:26–27; 1 Thessalonians
5:3). This rider represents a conquering power that no one can resist (Matthew 24:3–6). This person has the
semblance of Christ (trying to look like he is the Christ who comes on a white
horse – but he is not Christ (Revelation
19:11–19). He comes as a deceiver (John
In 2 Corinthians
11:13–15, we read that the workers of the Antichrist will disguise
themselves as workers of the Lord, his Apostles, and even ministers of
“13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers,
transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder!
For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. 15 Therefore
it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers
of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.” (2 Corinthians 11:13–15)
The horse was considered a war machine in biblical times. “White”
symbolizes righteousness and holiness. The bow, mentioned without reference to
arrows, may suggest, that the rider is engaged in “peaceful conquest” by
diplomacy and without bloodshed. But it is common in the Scriptures for the
bow, as a symbol of hunting or of warfare, to be mentioned alone and still to
symbolize violent conquest (Isaiah 41:2).
This is analogous to frequent references in Western America to riders going
forth with rifles, without mention of bullets. The bullets – and likewise the
arrows – are assumed. He also has a “crown.”
We should note that this bow may be a symbolic image of a
covenant (like the rainbow of God to Noah) that he comes in the name of peace
and conquers through the illusion of peace. Daniel
8:25 says that “he shall magnify himself in his heart and by peace shall destroy many.”
He gains power through the message of peace – looking like a
messiah who offers hope in chaos. In fact, in Daniel 11:23–24, we are told that he will acquire power with only a
small number of people with him at first because he will offer political
solutions for peace and they will allow and desire him to lead them. Then he
will rule for seven years according to Daniel
9:27 (but not the whole world) – not until his attempted conquest of the
whole world at the final 3 ½ years (1,260 days) of his rule (Daniel 11:40–45) when he breaks the
covenant with Israel.
Rise of the Beast
§ The
empires of the beast unite (Daniel 2,
7, 8, and 11; Revelation 13 and 17)
§ White
horse, red horse, black horse, and green horse go forth – establish authorities
who bring forth judgment (Revelation 6,
Seals #1–4; Zechariah 1:7–11, 6:1–8;
False Prophet: Matthew 24:24; 1 John 4:1–6; 2 Peter 2:1–22; 2 Timothy 4:3;
2 Corinthians 11:13–15; Matthew 7:15)
This Antichrist, the 8th ruler (Revelation 17:11), comes to power from a
kingdom that represents seven past, present, and future kings/kingdoms (Daniel 7:17, 23; Revelation 17), and
is supported by ten kings who will be subject to the Antichrist himself (Revelation 13:1–10) along with Mystery,
Babylon. When we get into Revelation 13
and 17, we will cover this in more
The Antichrist (the Beast) is mentioned 46 times in the Bible
– 33 times in the Old Testament and 13 times in the New Testament.
Who gives him this crown? Notice Romans 13:1: “For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are
appointed by God.”
An angel tells Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:17, “The Most High rules in the kingdom of men, gives it to whomever He will,
and sets over it the lowest of men.” God is sovereign over all earthly
authority, and it is from Him that this horseman receives his crown and
This crown represents a power grab for world dictatorship.
Crowns generally represent some state of honor or blessing
for the wearer. We normally associate crowns with royalty, which in Classical
Greek is represented by the word diadema, which has come down to us
as “diadem.” The word in Revelation 6:2,
however, is stéfanos, a circlet, wreath, or garland, oftentimes made of
leaves and twigs, but sometimes of precious metals. It was awarded as a prize
of victory or triumph, as a symbol of honor or authority, as a badge of civic
worth or military valor, or as a sign of nuptial joy or festal gladness. Due to
the verse’s heavy martial emphasis, it is likely that the horseman’s crown
signifies triumph, authority, or military valor.
This horseman goes “out conquering and to conquer,” a fairly
literal rendering of the Greek. To us, this phraseology sounds strange, but it
is merely expressing two different tenses of the same verb (nikao,
“conquer,” “subdue,” “overcome,” “prevail,” “get the victory”): the present
participle and the aorist subjunctive. In other words, John is telling us that
the horseman begins and continues to conquer, and he will certainly conquer or
will ultimately conquer. The implication is that his entire purpose is to
conquer, to dominate, to subjugate the peoples of the earth.
Overall, the white horse and its rider are vivid
representations of a powerful, aggressive, victorious force running
unrestrained over mankind. Like a knight in armor or a soldier in full dress
uniform, the first horseman appears to the eye as glorious and noble, but its
intent is to kill, destroy, and subdue its enemies. Its white façade is
deceptive, concealing a deadly, unholy purpose.
These interpretations of the symbols may seem highly
speculative and arbitrary until we unlock their mystery with the key supplied
by Jesus Christ Himself in the Olivet Prophecy. In a series of four verses, He
decodes the meanings of the Four Horsemen. Of the white horseman, He says: “Take
heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, I am the
Christ, and will deceive many” (Matthew
24:4–5; see Mark 13:5–6; Luke 21:8). The white horse and its
rider may represent religious deception.
The Antichrist’s reign includes war under the guise of peace.
Peace is a buzzword today. Many of the world’s greatest thinkers speak of the
need of a one-world government – a new world order. The Antichrist will camp on
this and make “peace” his campaign message. Of course the world will buy in,
which will allow him to be enthroned on earth as a “god” and political leader.
A number of years ago, the newspapers carried a story of a
woman in Fayetteville, Arkansas, who named the United Nations as the
beneficiary of her $700,000 estate, “in the fervent hope that this relatively
small contribution may be of some effect in bringing about universal peace on
earth and good will among men.” Upon reading this account, J. Vernon McGee, the
well-known radio preacher, commented, “[That woman] poured [her] money down a
rat hole,” because you cannot buy peace with $700,000 or even $700 trillion.
Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, is the only way to find peace.
Again – we will cover more about the Beast, this Antichrist
in Revelation 13 and 17, but let me summarize what we know
about this world leader.
Supporting passages about him (along with the False Prophet):
Ezekiel 28:1–10; Daniel 7:7–8, 20–26, 8:23–25, 9:26–27, 11:36–45; Zechariah 1:7–11, 6:1–8; Matthew 7:15, 24:4–5, 23–24; Mark 13:5–6; Luke 21:8; 1 John 2:18, 22, 4:3; 2
John 7; 2 Thessalonians 2:3–10; 2 Peter 2:1–22; 2 Timothy 4:3; Revelation
13:1–10, 17:8–14
The Antichrist could rise from an Assyrian nation –
(see Isaiah 10:5–19; Micah 5:5–6) but he may actually be of
Israelite lineage (Daniel 11:37–38; Ezekiel 21:25–27 – from the tribe of Dan
– see Genesis 49:16–18). This may
challenge you a bit, because we have been so convinced for years that the
Antichrist would arise from the Holy Roman Empire and the Catholic Church. We
will talk about that in a moment and expand on it further as we study Revelation 13.
The nations that made up the Assyrian Empire were Turkey,
Iraq and Syria. Some suggest that Iran was in there too, but they are most
likely Persian but Assyria would have held parts of Iran.
My friend, Dwayne Weary, worked extensively to pull together
the following about him (which Chuck Missler also supports in his studies about
the Antichrist):
§ He
will appear in the later times (Daniel
§ He
will not be fully revealed until the Day of the Lord has begun (2 Thessalonians 2:2)
§ The
‘Restrainer’ is now hindering him (2
Thessalonians 2:6–7)
§ He
will be preceded by an apostasy, a great rebellion against God and His law (2 Thessalonians 2:1–3; Matthew 24:10–12)
§ He
arises from the sea (generally symbolic of the nations of the earth in contrast
to “the land” which often symbolizes Israel – Revelation 13:1)
§ He
may be from the tribe of Dan (Genesis
49:1–17; Daniel 11:37–38; Ezekiel 21:25–27)
§ He
overcomes three rulers in his rise to power (Daniel 7:8; 24)
§ One
of the heads of this Beast seems to have a deadly wound but is healed (Revelation 13:3, 12, 14) – perhaps dying
and ascending up from the bottomless pit (Revelation
17). This may correlate with a potential description we have of the
Antichrist in Zechariah 11:17 where
he seems to survive a sword or dagger wound to his arm and to one of his eyes
(head wound)
§ He
rises through his peace program (Daniel
§ He
is intelligent, persuasive (Daniel 7:8,
20; 8:23), subtle and crafty (Ezekiel
28:6). He rules over others by their own consent (Revelation 17:13)
§ He
rules with absolute authority (Daniel
11:36) and he changes laws and customs (Daniel
§ His
motivation is power and control (Daniel
11:38) and he receives the power from Satan (Ezekiel 28:2, 9–12; Revelation 13:4; Daniel 8:25)
§ He
makes a 7-year covenant with Israel that he breaks after 3½ years (Daniel 9:27)
§ He
introduces idolatrous worship in which he elevates himself as a god (Daniel 9:27, 11:36–37;
2 Thessalonians 2:4; Revelation 13:5)
2 Thessalonians 2:4; Revelation 13:5)
§ He
is a blasphemer toward the God of heaven (Ezekiel
28:2; Daniel 7:25; Revelation 13:1, 5–6)
§ He
will gain control over Israel and adjacent territory (Daniel 11:42) and make his headquarters in Jerusalem (Daniel 11:45)
§ His
kingdom will be lost and it will become the Kingdom of the Saints (Daniel 7:27)
Today the world is ripe for the rise of such a man with his
world government as an answer to international problems. Prominent world
leaders and movements have posed the idea that what we need is a world order
with a charismatic leader who can mold the world into harmony and peace. In his
book, written in 1973, The Day the Dollar
Dies, Willard Cantelon quotes a number of world leaders to this effect. He
Harold Urey said, “The only escape from total destruction of
civilization will be a world government.” Robert J. Oppenheimer stated, “In the
field of atomic energy, there must be set up a world power.” Arthur Compton
added his word, “World government has become inevitable.” Dr. Ralph Barton
Perry of Harvard said, “One world government is in the making. Whether we like
it or not, we are moving toward a one-world government.” Professor Hocking
wrote, “Therefore the alternative is that we vest all political power in one
agency and resign that power ourselves.”
James Warburg says, “We are living in a perilous period of
transition from the era of the fully sovereign nation-state to the era of world
government.” In Between Two Ages,
Zbigniew Brezinski, former assistant to the President for National Security
Affairs, openly advocates a one world government as a necessity. And this is
not even the tip of the iceberg. Such thinking is all part of a deluding
influence that will continue to grow as a product of the blindness and
rebellion of man against God, being blinded by his own natural blindness and by
the deceptions of Satan, and even by God’s own sovereign judgment (Ephesians 2:1–3, 4:16–17; 2 Corinthians 4:4;
2 Timothy 2:26). Undoubtedly, this
kind of thinking among world leaders will pave the way for the white horse
rider who comes proclaiming peace, but it is really the system of the beast in
disguise and a precursor to the horrible world conditions that will follow. In 2 Thessalonians 2:8–12, the Apostle Paul
“8 And then that lawless one will be revealed whom
the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the
appearance of His coming; 9 that is, the one whose coming is in
accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, 10
and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because
they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. 11 And
for this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might
believe what is false, 12 in order that they all may be judged who
did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.” (2 Thessalonians 2:8–12)
The Second Seal (6:3–4)
“3 When He
opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come and
see.” 4 Another horse, fiery red,
went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the
earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a
great sword.” (Revelation 6:3–4)
When the Lamb broke the second seal on the scroll, John heard
the second living creature order the second horseman forward. The red horse
probably symbolizes bloodshed and war. The rider of this horse removes “peace
from the earth.” Further, he was to cause men to “slay [lit. slaughter] one another.”
The “great sword” represents authority to slay people. It does not denote only
international warfare, but revolution in which people turn on one another. The
result is anarchy, riot, and civil war. In light of the terrorism, bombings,
and civil war taking place around the world, we need little imagination to
think of what will be happening on an even larger scale.
It has always been so throughout history. Since the beginning
of time, the world has only known 292 years of peace – in 6,000 years of recorded
history, we have less than 300 years of times of peace.
Since Adam, there have been more than fourteen thousand
recorded wars and fourteen billion deaths. The real estate damage alone could
have paid for a golden belt around the world 97.2 miles across and thirty-three
feet thick.
Six million Jews were killed from 1941–1945. However, the
casualties felt across the globe totaled over 60 million people, which was
about 3% of the 1940 world population (est. 2.3 billion). World War II fatality
statistics vary, with estimates of total dead ranging from 50 million to more
than 80 million.
In the last 400 years, European nations have signed more than
8,000 peace treaties. What our text tells us is that in the years just prior to
the second coming of Christ, God is going to give civilization over to war (Romans 1:24, 26, 28).
A summary of events that may take place during the opening of
the 2nd Seal may include the following:
§ Wars,
violence; ethnic (racial, religious, geographical) and national (Matthew 24:6–7; Mark 13:7; Luke 21:9–10)
§ Red
horse, sword, takes peace from earth (Revelation
§ Red
horses go throughout earth (Zechariah 6:7)
§ Israel’s
enemies attack (first war, Psalm 83;
second war; Ezekiel 38–39; Joel 1:1–2:11)
§ The
city of Damascus, Syria destroyed (Isaiah
17 and Jeremiah 49:24–27)
§ The
city of Ammon, Jordan destroyed (Jeremiah
§ Egypt
becomes desolate and laid to waste (Ezekiel
29–32; Isaiah 19–20 – then
restored by the Lord)
§ Moab
destroyed (Isaiah 15–16)
§ Ethiopia
judged (Isaiah 18, 20)
This attempt to destroy Israel then sets the stage for the
Antichrist to bring peace with Israel at the beginning of the final seven years
(Daniel’s 70th week).
We will address this more in Revelation 13, but it is important to understand that with so much
focus put on Rome as the city of seven mountains, we must remember that there
was another kingdom to come after Rome that was a mix of what Rome had built –
partly iron and partly clay (or ceramic) from Daniel 2.
Revelation 17:10
tells us that the heads of the beast were made up of five kings that were and
have fallen, one that is and another that is to come.
Here are some empires that come to mind…
§ The
Egyptian Empire (3100 – 332 B.C.)
§ The
Babylonian Empire (1894 – 539 B.C.)
§ The
Medo-Persian Empire (550 – 330 B.C.)
§ Greco-Macedonian
Empire (331 – 31 B.C.)
§ Roman
Empire (27 B.C. – 1453 A.D.)
Constantine moved the capital to Constantinople (Istanbul) in
330 A.D. This became the capital of the Ottoman Empire (1299 – 1922) and it was
Suleiman I (The Magnificent – 1520–1566) who blocked up the Eastern Gate in
Jerusalem to prevent the Jewish Messiah from returning through it.
We see in Ezekiel 38
and Psalm 83 that in both attempts to
eradicate Israel, there is a coalition of Muslim countries that involve Turkey
(a non-Arab nation).
Thyatira featured Jezebel (Revelation 2) and the description correlates with the woman in Revelation 17 and Thyatira is located in
Turkey. Remember, Turkey is the focus of the first seven churches and Istanbul
(Constantinople) is a city of seven mountains built on the fragmented Roman
empire (the feet of the statue in Daniel
Psalm 83 nations
Gaza (Hamas)
Palestinians (West Bank)
Saudi Arabia
10. Iran
So, where is the United States in all of this? It is
difficult to say. We know that there is a foreign power that gives the King of
the North a hard time attacking him with ships from the western coastlands in Daniel 11:30. However, we have to be
honest with ourselves and realize that Rome wasn’t defeated militarily. It was
defeated politically and economically. The nation went bankrupt – spiritually,
politically, and economically. It divided up and fragmented from within, thus
allowing other powers to rise because Rome could no longer afford to stand in
the way and police the world.
Our country is over $19 trillion in debt – more than 104% of
our GDP. That means we owe more than the whole country could make in one year.
Our debt per U.S. Citizen is $61,340. Rome couldn’t sustain a socialist system,
and neither can we. We can’t keep spending money we don’t have. So, when Israel
needs us the most, we may not be able to stand with them any longer – lost in
spiritual, social, economic, and political fragmentation.
We also have to recognize that there are six million Jews in
Israel and there are nearly 6.5 million Jews in America. That means of the 15
million Jews in the world, most of them are in the United States.
The Jewish community – two percent of the U.S. population – has
proved to be one of the most vibrant, creative and useful groups in American
life. Its loss would be a loss for the entire nation.
American-Jewish accomplishments are well-known, frequently
praised, and often resented. They include curing polio, building the A- and H-
bombs, and winning more than 15 percent of Nobel Prizes in science.
Jews are ten out of 100 U.S. senators, three of nine Supreme
Court justices, and the chair of the Federal Reserve and her two predecessors;
a third of the Forbes 400’s richest Americans – and many leading
philanthropists. Jews built great retail chains like Sears and Macy’s and
computer companies like Oracle, Dell, and Facebook.
Jews practically invented Hollywood and established the three
biggest broadcast networks. Broadway wouldn’t be Broadway without Arthur
Miller, Steven Sondheim and Rodgers and Hammerstein. The New York Times and the
Washington Post, were founded by Jews. And on and on.
Personally, I believe America has received a great spiritual
blessing because of the presence of the Jews and our alliance with Israel.
“I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will
curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” (Genesis 12:3)
However, the Jews only make up two of the 12 tribes of Israel
(Benjamin and Judah). So, we need to consider that there are 10 other tribes
blended in with other nations. Perhaps some of this war with Israel is not just
a war on the land of Israel but with the tribes of Israel. Thus, America may be
a factor in the war, but not identified specifically.
The other side of this situation is yet another potential
scenario. If the “liberal agenda” has its way, America will embrace Sharia Law
and other potentially destructive doctrines and policies in the name of
tolerance that will lead to religious and social persecutions that drive Jews
back to Israel and Christians into hiding. One has to wonder if the prophecies
of the people of Israel returning to the Promised Land have only been partially
fulfilled given the large number of Jews still in America:
§ Gathering
from worldwide dispersion begins (Jeremiah
30:3; Ezekiel 34:13, 36:11, 24, 37:21, 39:27)
§ Israel
united, not separate kingdoms (Ezekiel
36:8, 11, 22–24, 37:21–22; Isaiah 66:7–9; Jeremiah 16:15; Deuteronomy
Back to our rider. As with the white horse rider, so this
rider is unnamed. Some see this as Russia because Russia is known as the Red
menace and their army as the Red army. Certainly Russia, if she is the king of
the North as depicted in Ezekiel 38
and 39, could fit strongly in the
promotion of war and the removal of peace in the prior to and during
tribulation period (see the other northern army that gives trouble for the King
of the North in Daniel 11). Russia
and her allies could easily help to promote the escalation of cold war to
actual warfare (we see Russia actively involved in Syria today). But the
primary emphasis is on the fact that prior to and during the tribulation, there
will be constant tension among nations and the ambitions of men who will be
clamoring for power and control. This will come to its climax just prior to the
return of Christ. Walvoord understands Matthew
24:4–8 to apply to conditions characteristic of this era before the
tribulation. Walvoord writes:
Though “wars and rumors of wars” (Matthew 24:6) are characteristic of the age, it is evident that
warfare occupies a large place in the consummation of the age with a resultant
great loss of life. There apparently is a series of wars, the greatest of which
is under way at the time of the second coming. The hope of permanent peace by
means of the United Nations and other human efforts is doomed to failure.
However, concerning the fact the seals closely parallel the
events or signs of the end times spoken of by the Lord in His Olivet Discourse
(Matthew 24:1–15), Barnhouse writes:
The order of events follows closely that which was announced
by our Lord in answer to the disciples’ questions on the Mount of Olives, “For
many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many” (Matthew 24:5). This is the white horse. “And
ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars… for nation shall rise against nation
and kingdom against kingdom …” (24:6–7).
This is the red horse of war.
The short-lived peace which the world will have known in
those early days of the tribulation (during part of the first half) will be
broken by the red horse rider. International conflicts will begin to erupt all
over the earth. We are not told here in Revelation
6 just what exactly causes this, i.e., the kind of political or military
move, but men everywhere begin to slay one another. Until this point there
would undoubtedly be “rumors of wars” (Matthew
24:6), but then nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom
(Matthew 24:7). These parallels
between the seals and Matthew 24 are
too striking to be ignored.
Parallels Between Matthew 24:1–14
and Revelation 6
Revelation 6
The Third Seal (6:5–6)
“5 When He
opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.”
So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of
scales in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four
living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of
barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation 6:5–6)
A black horse followed, symbolizing the ravage of war, namely
famine (see Lamentations 4). Black is
the color of frightfulness and mourning. This third horseman carries in his
hand a pair of scales that symbolize his work. These scales in the hand of the
horseman are not the kind used by Weight
Watchers, but rather is the kind of used to measure out grain. This implies
that food will have to be weighed out and rationed with care. As is generally
true, scarcity and famine follow war.
When bread was weighed out to be eaten, it symbolized
scarcity (Leviticus 26:25–33; Ezekiel 4).
The denarius, as a Roman coin, in ancient times was a normal
day’s wage. In New Testament times, this coin would purchase eight quarts of
wheat, or eight measures (one measure equals about one quart) or 24 quarts of
barley. Wheat was the better grain and barley was normally used only for
livestock except in times of scarcity. During the tribulation, however, one
denarius (a full day’s wage) will buy only one measure (about one meal) of
wheat, or three meals of barley with nothing left. Of course, the larger the
family, the worse it will be. But note the words, “do not harm the oil and the
wine.” These were luxury items which will apparently be unharmed at this point.
There will be plenty of luxury items but only the super-rich will have them.
The average man will spend all he has on the bare essentials.
Just after World War I, there was a shortage of coal in
Vienna and the police had ordered everyone off the streets by nine o’clock. The
city was filled with wealthy refugees from Russia and other countries. Walking
along the boulevard one afternoon as the crowds were coming out of the opera
which began early to conform to the curfew regulations, there you would find
men with bare feet in the snow, their skeletons covered with rags, their ribs
seen through the holes in the cloths with which they attempted to cover their
bodies. From time to time there was blood on the snow from their feet. Out of
the opera came men escorting women with fortunes in jewels upon them. The
beggars blocked the way to the fine limousines that came for the rich. Men
began striking the beggars with their canes to clear the way for the women.
Poor girls wearing torn clothing and in wooden shoes, clattered about clutching
at the passerby and offering to sell themselves for a coin which at that moment
could be purchased for one five hundredth part of a dollar. Mark well, there
was no famine in Vienna. There was scarcity in the midst of plenty, but there
was no hurt to the luxuries.
The picture here is scarcity in the midst of plenty.
Probably the wars that the ungodly rulers under Antichrist’s
leadership begin will reduce the food supply greatly. These rulers will control
it strictly with consequent suffering for many people (Luke 21:11). The price of wheat and barley will be very high. A
quart of wheat would provide one meal, but it would cost a denarius, a whole
day’s wages. “Do not damage the oil and the wine” means “do not tamper with,”
reflecting the strict control over prices that ungodly rulers, under Antichrist’s
leadership, will have at this time. The poor would have little money left over
for oil, for fuel and health needs, and for wine to drink (Ezekiel 4:16–17). An inescapable outcome of war is starvation.
Worldwide inflation destroys the world economy. Worldwide famine causes great
shortages and inflation. Panic in the market causes people to stampede the
marketplace to sell their stock. A worldwide depression will make people panic
over bread-and-butter issues. The causes of the famine were not extremely
severe, since they killed the wheat and barley, but not the vines and olive
trees whose roots go deeper. As the tribulation grows worse, the rich as well
as the poor will suffer, but at this early stage the poor will suffer perhaps
more than the rich.
In another correlation, Amos
8 describes a famine of truth (the Word of God). I believe this will be
occurring as well for there will be a great falling away from truth due to the
calamities we will read of throughout these seals and after.
Famines, Earthquakes and Economic Woes
§ Famines,
earthquakes in various places (Matthew
24:7; Mark 13:8; Luke 21:11)
§ Black
horse, scales, food shortages, hyperinflation (Revelation 6:5–6, Seal #3)
§ Black
horses go toward north (Zechariah 6:6);
i.e., north of Israel
The fact that the voice announcing the prices comes from the
living creatures that are in the middle of and around God’s throne (Revelation 4:6) suggests that God has
something to do with price lists. When we watch prices go up and down, and when
we hear the weather reports and crop reports, and when we listen to the latest
stock prices and economic indicators, we never think of anything divine
connected with them. How wrong we are!
Should a series of global, catastrophic events occur that
would impact the United States, the American Truckers Associations report
states the following:
§ Significant
shortages will occur in as little as three days, especially for perishable
items following a national emergency and a ban on truck traffic.
§ Supplies
of clean drinking water will run dry in two to four weeks.
Health Care
§ Without
truck transportation, patient care within the truck stoppage zone will be
immediately jeopardized.
§ Hospitals
and nursing homes will exhaust food supplies in as little as 24 hours.
§ Pharmacy
stocks of prescription drugs will be depleted in less than three days.
• Service station
fuel supplies will start to run out in just one to two days.
Financial Sector
and branch bank cash resources will be exhausted in less than 24 hours. Average
community banks will have roughly $20,000.00 on hand. The ATMs will have
$3,000.00 at the beginning of the business day and will be refilled as needed.
The tellers will have less, $2,000.00 being the norm – and this is reducing
each year as we move to a cashless society.
§ 69%
of Americans have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts. In fact, “nearly
half of families have no retirement account savings at all,” the Economic
Policy Institute (EPI) reported.
The Fourth Seal (6:7–8)
“7 When He
opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying,
“Come and see.” 8 So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the
name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was
given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with
death, and by the beasts of the earth.” (Revelation 6:7–8)
The Lamb broke the fourth seal, and the fourth living
creature called the fourth horseman out. John next saw an ashen horse the color
of a human corpse. The Greek term for “ashen” (chloros) is the one from
which we get our English word chlorine. It denotes a yellowish-green color as
of a human corpse – the rider’s name is “Death.” Following on his heels is “hades,”
which is the destination of the souls that do not know Christ as Savior (Luke 16:23).
Daniel 12:1–2 says
that anyone whose name is written in the Book of Life will be delivered as
multitudes will sleep (die) and go into the dust of the earth – during this
time especially – but they will be awakened and some to everlasting life and others
to everlasting contempt.
Perhaps John saw hades following death as a man on foot
follows a mounted warrior grimly gathering in his victims, or as a hearse
follows a horse. As John has already announced (Revelation 1:18), Jesus holds the keys to death and hades. As
horrible as they are, their power is limited to what Christ permits; they too
were “given” their authority.
God gives these enemies authority to take one-fourth of the
world’s population. This is approximately 1.5 billion people. This is more than
the population of China and the United States combined. This is the greatest
destruction of human life recorded in history. This evidently is the total
number that will die as a result of all the catastrophes predicted so far. The
causes of death will be slaughter (the second rider), hunger (the third rider),
pestilence or plague, and wild beasts. These catastrophes are war, the
resulting famine, and disease. Attacks by wild animals will also contribute to
the death rate. When we compare these predicates with Ezekiel 14:21
(1 Kings 8:33–39; 1 Chronicles 21:12), we realize that this is a listing of covenantal curses instituted when the people of Israel fall into idolatry:
(1 Kings 8:33–39; 1 Chronicles 21:12), we realize that this is a listing of covenantal curses instituted when the people of Israel fall into idolatry:
§ Plagues
in various places (Luke 21:11)
§ Pale/ashen/green
horse, ¼ of earth killed by sword, famine, plague, beasts (Revelation 6:7–8)
§ Dappled
horses go toward south (Zechariah 6:6);
i.e., south of Israel
A plague can travel
fast. Here are some shocking statistics:
§ Smallpox
killed 300 million people in the 20th Century alone!
§ The
Spanish Flu killed 100 million people in less than two years (1918–1919)
§ Black
Death killed 75 million people in the 14th Century, or 60 percent of
Europe’s entire population. The disastrous mortal disease known as the Black
Death spread across Europe in the years 1346–53 (seven years)
§ Malaria
kills two million people EVERY YEAR and has been doing so since 1600 A.D.
has taken 25 million lives and counting.
§ Typhus
killed three million people between 1918 and 1922 alone!
§ Cholera
has taken just under one million lives from 1817 to current times
The Fifth Seal (6:9–11)
“9 When He
opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been
slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. 10 And
they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until
You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” 11 Then
a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they
should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow
servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed.”
(Revelation 6:9–11)
Earlier, John had seen a throne room in heaven (Revelation 4–5), but now he sees a
temple. In this temple, there is an altar. This altar was evidently an altar of
sacrifice rather than an incense altar (Revelation
5:8, 8:3–5, 14:17–18). Under this altar were the souls of people who had died
for their faith in God and their faithfulness to Him during the first four
seals period just described (6:3–8;
i.e., in the tribulation so far; Matthew
24:9, 13–14; Luke 21:11). Perhaps the idea is that the lives of these martyrs
were sacrifices to God. These faithful believers had been slain for their
faith. John did not see their resurrected bodies because God had not yet
resurrected them (see Revelation 7).
John sees these martyrs very much alive. Men may destroy our bodies (the house
for the person), but they cannot kill the soul or the person who indwells the
body. At death, the soul of the person goes to be with the Lord (Philippians 1:21–22; 2 Corinthians 5:6–8). The body “sleeps,”
but the soul of the person is conscious, awake. These believers were “slain.”
This was a sacrificial term used for the slaughtering of animals for sacrifice.
The emphasis seems to be on the fact they were not just killed, but
Jesus now opens the fifth seal and John sees, “underneath the
altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God, and
because of the testimony which they had maintained.” These martyrs “cried out
with a loud voice, saying, ‘How long, O Lord, holy and true, will You refrain
from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth?’”
In 6:11, John
states, “there was given to each of them a white robe; and they were told that
they should rest for a little while longer, until the number of their fellow
servants and their brethren who were to be killed even as they had been, would
be completed also.” In 6:10, John saw
these martyrs calling out to their heavenly Master (Gk. despotes) to punish their
murderers. “Master” implies divine might, majesty, power, and authority, and it
stresses the absolute power of God. How much longer did they have to wait for
God to avenge them? (Psalm 79:10, 94:3; Habakkuk 1:2). “Those who dwell on the earth” is almost a technical
expression in Revelation describing unbelievers who are hostile to God.
Contrast the prayers of Jesus (Luke 23:24)
and Stephen (Acts 7:60) in which they
asked God to be merciful to their murderers. The difference is that the time of
God’s longsuffering has now ended and He has begun to pour out His wrath on
sinners. Their prayers for justice upon their enemies are viewed as the fifth
judgment against the earth-dwellers. This is not a cry for revenge, but for God’s
justice and righteousness to prevail on earth against the sin and the atrocities
of man, in rebellion to God (Romans 12:19).
As in the disciples’ prayer, “Your kingdom come,” they are praying for the
second coming which ushers in God’s righteous and just reign on earth.
Each martyr received a long, white robe. They had been faithful
and had suffered martyrdom for their fidelity to Christ (Revelation 3:5, 7:9, 14). God told these martyrs to be
patient. More people would experience martyrdom before the Rapture and before
it would be God’s time for Jesus Christ to return to the earth and judge their
living adversaries.
Apparently, religious persecution breaks out in the land of
Israel. We would expect when the abomination of desolation occurs, there will
be faithful messianic Jewish believers who will resist his pretensions. John sees
the results of this persecution by the Man of Sin in Revelation 6:9. God will avenge the death of Christian martyrs at
the right time and will give them special honor (Psalm 116:15). In the meantime, we must pray for those who will be
Under the rule of Rome, records show over 45,000 Christians were slain by
crucifixion, burned to death, and thrown to wild animals. Many believers were
afraid about the unsure future. They were afraid of being strong enough to
stand up to adversities that they would be facing and if they could endure the
NOTE: More than 70 million Christians have
died for their faith since Christ (and that is a conservative number).
§ Martyrs
(Matthew 24:9; Luke 21:12)
§ Believers
betrayed even by family, hated by everyone (Matthew 24:10–12; Mark
13:12–13; Luke 21:16–17)
§ Christian
martyrs; more will die (Revelation 6:9–11,
Seal #5); beheaded (Revelation 20:4)
These persecutions and false teachings going out around the
world could lead to the Apostasy a “falling away” from truth (Mathew 24:10–12; 2 Thessalonians 2:2–7). This will occur again just prior to the
coming of the two witnesses who will bring the truth once again (Revelation 11) at the very point with
the Antichrist will declare himself to be god.
The Sixth Seal (6:12–17)
“12 I looked
when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and
the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. 13
And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late
figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. 14 Then the sky receded as
a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of
its place. 15 And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich
men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid
themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, 16 and
said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him
who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” (Revelation 6:12–17)
17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” (Revelation 6:12–17)
In 6:12–17, the
scene shifts back to earth as Jesus opens the sixth seal. In 6:12–14, John tells us that the earth
will be affected by six cosmic catastrophes. 13 times in the Scriptures we are
told of how God stretches out the heavens and they are shaken at His word. In
these three verses, God shakes the universe like a rag doll. As a result, the
entire world will know that there is a God. They will also know that His divine
wrath is unleashed against their rebellion. The first catastrophe that Jesus
brings is a “great earthquake” that
will rock the whole world (Luke 21:11).
In 6:14, John writes, “every mountain and island were moved out of
their places.” This is frightening! Then the sun will become “black as sackcloth made of hair.” “Sackcloth” was a very rough cloth made
from the hair of a black goat and worn in times of mourning and despair (Revelation 11:3). The blackening or
darkening of the sun as a sign, speaks of God’s judgment and the withdrawal of
His longsuffering. It shows this will be a time of great despair for man. What
causes this darkening? We are not told; we can only speculate. Perhaps it is
caused by the ash, dust, and debris which will fill the sky when the earth begins
to quake (6:14). This will
undoubtedly cause volcanic eruptions which will make Mount St. Helens look like
a hiccup by comparison. When there is a large volcanic eruption, the sun
becomes darkened by the substances in the air.
Not only will the sun become black, John tells us “the whole moon became like blood.” As a
sign, this speaks of the loss of life. How eerie this all will be, to look up
at night and see a blood-red moon. Evidently, through the atmospheric changes
brought about by the shaking of the earth and the heavens, particles or
substances will be in the air which will cause the moon to take on a red cast.
John also says that the stars will be affected. The word “star”
is used of any heavenly body seen at night (i.e., stars, planets, asteroids,
meteors, etc.). These are not stars as we often use the word, which are huge
and often dwarf the earth in size. These are likely meteorites, which are small
by comparison to the earth. John compares them to unripe figs falling to earth
from a fig tree when shaken by a great wind.
In 6:14, the sky
will appear to split and roll back in two opposite directions (Isaiah 34:4). The universe will seem to
be coming apart. Apparently, the opening of the sky will give earth-dwellers a
window-like look into heaven where they see the Lord God and the Lamb.
Apparently, this lasts for at least one full revolution of the earth so all the
world sees this (Revelation 6:15).
In 6:15, John
provides seven classes of society to stress the universal scope of this judgment.
He then tells us that they “15b And the kings of the earth, the
great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every
free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, 16
and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the
face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For
the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” (6:15b–17). These verses are truly
tragic. In the midst of unbelievable suffering, mankind does not pray to God
for protection from His wrath. Instead, they cry out to the rocks and the
mountains. The inhabitants of the earth will recognize for the first time the
source of their trouble, yet they still refuse to respond to God’s wrath. God’s
wrath is one of His eternal attributes, the perfect complement to His love. The
wrath of God is His necessary and just response to evil (Psalm 7:11). God’s wrath is presently being revealed against
unbelievers by letting them go their way and face the consequences of their
behavior (Romans 1:18–32). However,
when the great day of God’s wrath occurs, He will be far more active in the
execution of His anger.
Summary of Events:
§ Great
earthquake, sun goes to black, moon becomes blood red, stars fall, terrain
changes (Joel 2; Isaiah 34:1–4; Revelation
6:12–15, Seal #6 – timing may
occur before 7-year tribulation and during)
This sudden fear of God by all the people of the earth may be
why the Israelites want to rush to build the third temple, which will be
embraced by the Antichrist (at first). Only a few months into his 7-year reign,
he will allow Israel to begin construction and it will be completed by the 3½
point of his reign.
There is hope in
the midst of this scene!
Many believe, as do I, that this may be the time of the
Rapture (or the 1st Rapture). Something like this happened before in
history believe it or not, when the ground shook and the sky changed. It
happened in Matthew 27. After
darkness falls on the land, look what happens:
“51 Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in
two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, 52
and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen
asleep were raised; 53 and coming out of the graves after His
resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many. 54 So
when the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus, saw the
earthquake and the things that had happened, they feared greatly, saying, “Truly
this was the Son of God!” (Matthew 27:51–54)
To this day, there are still opened tombs where it looks like
the side of the mountain was sheared off. It wasn’t just a tiny little ground
rumbling. It was a serious event.
Could this be the moment (here in Revelation 6) when the dead in Christ are raised once again? That
would make sense as to why Revelation 7
will follow this moment where we see the Saints gathered together in the Lord’s
Dwayne Weary stated it well in his book “The Road to New Jerusalem” with the following words:
“With the breaking of the 6th seal of Revelation
6, a great earthquake signals the coming of the wrath of God (Revelation
6:12–17). The fullness of the Gentiles has come in (Romans 11:25–29) as the
church (the Bride of Christ) is taken to meet the Lord in the air (1
Thessalonians 1:10; 4:16–18; 5:9; Matthew 3:7; Romans 5:9) and the 7 years of
tribulation are about to begin.”
We will talk more about the Rapture(s) next week as we read Revelation 7.
At this point, the world poses this question: “As a
Christian, aren’t you supposed to be teaching that God is a God of love rather
than a God of condemnation?” The inference is somehow you are being unloving by
reminding people of God’s holiness and intolerance of sin. Suppose I tell my
daughter, Aizlynn, that if she sticks her finger into an electrical outlet she
will die. Am I being judgmental or loving? Warning people of inevitable
consequences of sin is the most loving thing we can do, especially if it leads
them to make the right choice.
I acknowledge that it is not pleasant to read about the
carrying out of God’s judgment on the world. There are many questions
surrounding God’s activity and His purpose in all this. It all seems so
terrible. Why would God do these things, which cause such misery and pain?
There are several reasons but three should suffice: (1) God wants to bring
people to repentance; (2) God wants to demonstrate His patience; and (3) God
wants to establish His justice.
Some lessons and applications may be drawn from this study:
(1) Our passage teaches the absolute
sovereignty of God. The four riders are given their authority from heaven.
Everything they do is directed and limited by Almighty God and the Lamb. God’s
people have nothing to fear from Antichrist, for the Lamb is their Lord. (2) The four seals demonstrate the
self-defeating character of sin. Antichrist shows us in a graphic way the
spirit of self-aggrandizement that is one of the fruits of sin. All God needs
to do is let events take their course and sinners will inevitably be punished.
(3) Christ’s work includes not only
redemption, but also judgment. Those who will not embrace the Lamb as
redeemer, and share with Him the inheritance of the kingdom of God, will
themselves be embraced by death and hades and dwell in the kingdom of the dead.
(4) In this passage Almighty God reveals
what this vain, proud, and guilty world is coming to. Our civilization
shall one day expire under the Antichrist. The immediate future, therefore,
holds not peace, but judgment.
Harry Truman was the caretaker of a recreation lodge on Spirit
Lake, five miles north of Mount St. Helens’ smoke-enshrouded peak, in
Washington. Harry had been warned by rangers and neighbors that the mountain
was going to blow up. Geologists had been watching their seismographs for some
time, and the evidence predicted that the volcano would soon explode with such
a fury that it would flatten the surrounding forest.
Warnings blared from loudspeakers on patrol cars and
helicopters, and blinked from battery-powered signs at every major crossroad. Radio
and television announcers pled with their audiences to flee to safety. Harry
Truman ignored them all. He grinned on national television and said, “Nobody
knows more about this mountain than Harry, and it don’t dare blow up on him.”
On May 18, 1980, at 8:31 A.M., the mountain exploded. I
cannot help wondering if Harry regretted his decision, in the millisecond he
had before the concussive waves, traveling faster than the speed of sound,
flattened him and everything else for 150 square miles. Did he have time to
mourn his stubbornness as millions of tons of rock disintegrated and
disappeared into a cloud reaching ten miles into the sky? Did he have second
thoughts as the wall of mud and ash 50 feet high buried his cabin, his cats,
and his freshly mowed lawn, or had he been vaporized when the mountain erupted
with a force 500 times greater than the nuclear bomb that had leveled
Hiroshima, Japan, in 1945?
Harry Truman is now a legend in Oregon. In gift shops he
smiles down on customers from posters, T-shirts, and beer mugs. There is even a
song about old Harry, the stubborn man who put his ear to the mountain, but
would not heed the warnings.
The question that faces each reader today is this: How do you
stand in relation to the Lamb who breaks the seals? Are you a Christian? Then
you will be kept from “the hour” of tribulation (Revelation 3:10). Our Lord’s counsel to you is, “Be on the alert” (Matthew 25:13) and “Abide in Me” (John 15:4). Keep yourself in fellowship
with Him. Be thankful that judgment for you is passed. No divine wrath remains
for you. Are you not a Christian? There is only one way to escape the judgment
of the Lamb who breaks the seals. Give your life to Him.
Professor K. Krell – Moody Bible Institute, Dr. Chuck W. Missler – Koinonia
House, Dwayne Weary – The Road to New
Jerusalem, Everett F. Harrison, The
Wycliffe Bible Commentary, New Testament, Chicago: Moody Press, 1962,
Electronic Media, Charles Ryrie, Revelation,
Moody Press, Chicago, 1968, p. 43., John F. Walvoord, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Moody Press, Chicago, 1966, p.
124., Charles C. Ryrie, Ryrie Study
Bible, Expanded Edition, NASB, Moody Press, Chicago, 1995, p. 2024.,
Willard Cantelon, The Day the Dollar Dies,
1973., James P. Warburg, The West In
Crisis, Doubleday, 1959, p. 30., Donald Grey Barnhouse, Revelation, An Expository Commentary,
Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1971, p. 124., Alan Johnson, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Vol. 12, Frank E. Gaebelein,
General Editor, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1981, p. 475., G. Abbott-Smith, A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament,
T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh, 1937, p. 32., Paul Steidl, The Earth, The Stars, and The Bible, Leon Morris, The Book of Revelation: TNTC (Grand
Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987), 102, 104., J. Vernon McGee, Thru the Bible, 5 vols. (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1983), 5:941.,
David J. MacLeod, “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” Emmaus Journal 1:1 (Winter 1991), 14., G. R. Beasley-Murray, The Book of Revelation: NCB (London:
Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1974), 132., David Jeremiah, Escape the Coming Night (Dallas: Word, 1997 [1990]), 118., Hampton
Keathley III, Revelation (Biblical
Studies Press:, 1997), 148., Robert Jeffress, As Time Runs Out (Nashville: Broadman
& Holman, 1999), 89., Billy Graham, Approaching
Hoofbeats: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Waco: Word, 1983), 13–14.
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