1 Ch 12:32 Of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their kinsmen were at their command.

The sons of Issachar were intelligent men, who understood the signs of the times, well versed in political affairs, and knew what was proper to be done in all the exigencies of human life; and who now perceived that it was both the duty and political interest of Israel to advance David to the throne.Today we seek sons and daughters of Issachar, men and women who understand the times we are living in and know what is to be done in all the exigencies of human life to advance King Jesus to His throne.

This blog is devoted to seeking Biblical truth related to current world events.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

What is really going on in our world today - The Real Story

Spy Versus Spy – The Real Story

D.P. Weary, November 2021

Have you ever watched those spy versus spy movies or TV series shows? You know, the ones where the spy/intelligence agencies get infiltrated by rogue agents and they are continually in desperate battles yet miraculously the good guys always win. This is the fantasy world of the spy versus spy world. The endings are very predictable because the stories are scripted long before they are seen on the silver screen or TV.  If you read the script before seeing the movie you already know the ending. There are no surprises. The real-world spy versus spy world is very different and much more terrifying than the fantasy world. Our world today is living in a very real and terrifying day of “spy versus spy”. Only this time the infiltrated agencies are not just the spy/intelligence agencies. In our world today an evil enemy has infiltrated all areas of our societies; all branches of government and law, media, education, sports, financial institutions, religion, and family. These 7 Culture molders influence the thoughts & values of any culture anywhere on earth and they have been infiltrated by evil men and women. They intend to establish a one-world government that controls every aspect of human endeavors and life.

The interesting thing about all of this is that the outcome of this real spy versus spy saga can be known and just like the fantasy spy versus spy stories, the good guys miraculously win. All you have to do is read the script. This is true because just like the fantasy stories, the true story has also been written long ago and we can trust this story because much of the story written many hundreds of years ago has taken place just as the story foretold. Only the very end of this story has yet to take place, but it is beginning to unfold right before our eyes. If you read the script, you can know the ending. This script is the Bible.

So, just what does this last chapter of the true story tell us about what is happening and is going to happen? Let’s start many years ago when the mastermind of the evil scheme to establish the one-world government began to install his ideologies and people in key leadership positions in every area of the seven culture mind molders. This mastermind is not a human person but is an evil fallen cherub angel we call Satan (Isa 14:1-27). Slowly, one person at a time, he placed his people in the very top positions of society institutions including presidents, prime ministers, kings, legislators, judges, law enforcement, media, educators, athletes, bankers, and religious leaders. Then he set out to destroy morality, ethics, and all Christian values and thought. Through lies, deceptions, lusts for pleasure, money, power, fame, and position this mastermind manipulated, corrupted, and gained control over much of the population of the earth, and his strategies and tactics continue in our day. He used and still uses lawlessness, wars, poverty, and plagues, as a part of his scheme to establish his total control over the whole earth (Jn 10:10) and establish his kingdom, Mystery Babylon the great (Rev 17) in total control over all the world.

Today we see the fruit of the schemes of this evil mastermind. Our government institutions are corrupted, our education systems a dismal failure, lawlessness is rampant, media is untrustworthy, sexual distortion and perversion is everywhere, the financial institutions and systems are a house of cards ready to collapse at any time, and the very systems of law and order that we trusted to keep us free and safe are corrupted. It is a very dark and bleak picture that we paint. Even more, we see many wars and rumors of wars in our world today. The occult religion and practices are dramatically increasing and becoming more open and blatant and there is trouble and turmoil in the Jewish and Christian worlds with division and strife everywhere. Even nature is in an uproar with earthquakes, famines, and plagues throughout the world.

Indeed though, this is the picture that our true story paints (Mat 24:1-14; Mar 3-13; Luke 21:7-19). The last chapter of our true story is unfolding in our day. So, where do we go from here?

The good news is that there are strong and vibrant forces restraining all of this evil. There are good men and women within all of these areas of society that are giving their all to resist and tear down these strongholds of evil in our world today. There are patriots that love their countries and are standing up to the evil and attempting to drain these evil swamps. Some of these patriots are Christians who not only battle in the natural world but do so with a faith in God that motivates them and gives them courage and hope even in desperate situations. Then there are Christians that recognize all of this as a spiritual battle between good and evil, between God and Satan, the real mastermind behind it all (2 Thes 2:3-13). These people are battling with the authority, insights, and power of the Holy Spirit using spiritual weapons against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places (Acts 1:8; Eph 6:10-18; 2 Cor 10:3-6).

It is these restraining forces that are keeping all of this evil at bay. During these current days, our true story tells us that there will be trouble, wars, the love of many turning cold, lawlessness increasing, many becoming hopeless, many falling away from following the one true God, and deception overcoming many.  But for many others, it will be the best of times for the Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus will be proclaimed throughout the whole world and many will find peace in the midst of all the storms and find salvation and eternal life in Jesus the Messiah (Mat 24:1-14).

As this season of gathering people into God’s eternal Kingdom comes to a close and all gentiles that are to be saved are gathered in (Rom 11:25-27), the force restraining Satan and his evil plan will be removed as Jesus comes in the air to take His people, His Bride home to be with Him forever (1 Thes 4:14-18; 1 Cor 15:50-58).  With all restraints removed, a man will appear on the world stage (Rev 6:1-4) to negotiate a seven-year ceasefire treaty (Dan 9:27) that will cause a war in the Middle East, an attack on Israel (Ezek 38), to be put on hold for three and a half years. It will also enable the Jews to begin rebuilding their Temple in Jerusalem (Dan 9:27).

During the next three and a half years there will be several great natural disasters. One will cause massive destruction of trees and grass. A meteor will fall into an ocean destroying ships and sea life.  Another will fall on land causing great pollution of water resulting in many deaths. All of these together will cause such great atmospheric pollution and the light from the sun and moon will be darkened by one-third. (Rev 8)

Thirty days before Passover at the festival of Purim right in the middle of the supposed cease-fire or peace agreement made three- and one-half years earlier, the man who negotiated the peace treaty will stand in the new Temple in Jerusalem, stop the sacrificial services that the Jews initiated 3 ½ years earlier, and declare that he is God. There will be turmoil in Jerusalem for the next thirty days, then at Passover, someone close to him will kill him with a small sword or dagger. Three days after Passover at the Feast of Firstfruits, this man will apparently come back to life as Satan himself indwells his body and becomes Satan incarnated in the body of a man. (Dan 11:31; 12:6-12; Rev 13:3)

Satan now incarnated in the body of a man, a man now known as the Antichrist, has a very powerful religious figure partner beside him these days. He is called the False Prophet. This man places a statue of the Antichrist in the Holy Place of the Temple and causes the statue to speak. He demands that all men worship the Antichrist and take the mark of the Antichrist on their forehead or right hand. They must worship the Antichrist to get the mark. Without the mark, they cannot buy or sell (do anything commercially). The mark, the name of the Antichrist, or the number of his name, is 666. (Rev 13)

The Jews, their Temple, and Jerusalem are all “trampled down” (controlled and persecuted) by the Antichrist and his forces for the next 42 months (3 ½ years or 1260 days). Satan (now incarnated in the body of the Antichrist) and his people are allowed to attack the Jews and overcome them. This is a time of great trouble and persecution of the Jews; the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jer 30:7). Some do overcome Satan during these times. He is overcome by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their testimony, and by not loving their lives even unto death. However, those who take the mark of the Antichrist are lost forever. (Rev 12:7-12; 14:9-11)

The last half of these seven years of tribulation are filled with overt demonic activity. First demons are released to torment humans for five months. Then more demons are released to kill a great number of humans. These demons use a 200-million-man army to kill about one-third of mankind. The description of this army is a picture of a great demonic army or perhaps a far eastern army, empowered by demons, killing one-third of mankind with modern weapons of war (Rev 9:1-21). Finally, God finishes His righteous outpouring of wrath on those who follow the Antichrist (Satan) with seven plagues. These plagues include foul and loathsome sores on the humans that have the mark of the Antichrist and on those who worship his image or statue, the sea and rivers becoming so polluted that those in them or drink them die, the intensity of the sun increasing so as to scorch people with great heat, then a great darkness comes over the land, a darkness that causes great pain (Rev. 10:7; 11:14-19; 15:1). Then three great demons are released to go out and gather the kings of the earth to the battles of the Great Day of God Almighty (Armageddon) and the Euphrates River is dried up to prepare the way for the coming of the kings from the east to this great and final battle (Rev 16:12-16).

We are now coming near the end of the last 3 ½ years of seven years of great tribulation.  Antichrist has established his headquarters in Jerusalem and has a large portion of his army stationed in Israel. A rebellion breaks out in Egypt and Antichrist sends his troops there to deal with it. He overcomes Egypt, Libya, and Sudan in this campaign.  But then, Antichrist hears that the armies of the kings of the east are approaching from the east through Iran and Iraq and crossing the now dried up Euphrates River. At the same time, the king of the north sends his armies down to attack the Antichrist. Even though Antichrist has attempted to force his control over all the earth, Russia, China, and other Far East nations (possibly including India) have had enough. Together they attempt to attack Antichrist. Antichrist pulls his troops back into Israel. Battles begin raging from extended areas north, east, and south of Jerusalem, with Jerusalem itself at the center of the conflicts. These campaigns cover the entire land of Israel from the plains of Esdraelon on the north, down through Jerusalem, extending out to the valley of Jehoshaphat on the east, and Edom on the south. The invaders will "cover the land". The final battle occurs in the Jezreel Valley, the Battle of Armageddon. (Dan. 9:24-27, 16:12-16, 11:35-45; Rev. 18:3, 8-10, 19:17-18; Ezek. 39:2-8, 29; 2 Pet. 3:9-12)

 As battles in Israel rage, great cities in other parts of the world are attacked with nuclear missiles. Satan’s kingdom, Mystery Babylon is destroyed in one hour as the great cities of the nations controlled by Satan are destroyed (Rev 17:1-6,15,18; 18:1-24).

Suddenly a loud Voice will cry out from the Throne in the Temple in Heaven saying, “It is done!” With this, there is a great and mighty earthquake such as has never been before in the history of the earth. With it are great thundering, lightning, and massive hailstones. Jerusalem is split into three parts. (Rev 16:17-21)

Then comes the King, the hero of our story. Just as it seems that the whole world is about to be destroyed, a Great White Horse appears coming from Heaven. On the horse rides the King of kings and Lord of lords. His name is The Word of God.  The armies in Heaven, clothed in fine white linen, follow Him, also on white horses. As He rides into the battles, He shouts out and with one Word, it is all over. (Jude 14, 15; Rev. 19:11-14).

For the next 1000 years Jesus, with His Queen (the Church) at His side, rules and reigns from Jerusalem over the entire earth. (Rev 20:4-6; Rev. 5:10, 22:5)

This is the real spy versus spy story. It is the story scripted in the Bible long ago. It is a love story of God finding a bride for His Son, the Lord Jesus. It is the story of good triumphing over evil. It is the story of God establishing His Kingdom on the earth that His will may be done on earth as it is in Heaven (Mat 6:9-10). It is the Greatest Story Ever Told.

 The true story, the Bible has proven itself to be true and very accurate. It is foolish to not believe it. If you have not read it and do not know the story, it is time to do so. Your very life depends on it. Once you get to know the Man of the Bible, Jesus, you will love Him and accept Him as the Lord of your life. He is your safe passage through the days ahead of us (Psa 12:5, 17:8, 27:5, 31:19-21, 32:7, 57:1, 91:8-9, 94:12-13; Rev 3:10; Mar 16:18). He is your door into the Kingdom of God and eternal life (John 14:6).

We the true Church are a part of this final chapter of the story. During this time we have been given before being caught up to meet the Lord in the air, we are the ones who are to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus throughout the whole world. We are the ones who are to comfort those in turmoil, bring peace in the midst of the storms, give hope to the hopeless. We are the ones to preach good tidings to the poor; to heal the brokenhearted; to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to comfort all who mourn; to proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God (Isa 61:1-2). We are the servants working in the wheat fields of the Lord to bring in the last great harvest (Luke 10:1-3; 2 Thes 2:19). We are also those that are restraining the works of the enemy Satan (2 Thes 2:7). We are the Lord’s warriors in a great spiritual battle. Let’s do our part in these days of the birth pains (Matt 24:8) with courage, strength, no fear, great perseverance, and great joy as we see the day of our Lord’s return coming ever closer! (Josh 1:9; Tit 2:13)




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