A Speculation about Events from the Last Supper to Jesus’s Ascension
Finding Patterns
in the Scriptures
D.P. Weary,
October 2022
What if the events from the last supper to the ascension
were foreshadowing of events of the end of days? In our day Jesus’ physical
body on the earth is the true church; born again, Spirit-filled believers in
Jesus. Yet in all of those still lives the “old man”, this “body of death” as
Paul calls it in Romans 7. So in a sense, both “Jesus” and his disciples (the
part of all of us that is not born again) are alive and well in our world
today. There are also modern-day “priests, “Romans or non-believing gentiles,
and people just wanting a “savior” to rescue them from trouble and oppressive,
cruel governments. What would be revealed if we looked at the events of the
days of Jesus’ death and resurrection as a pattern for the days preceding His
second coming?
This study was motivated by some things the Lord spoke to a
group of men at a Connections 4 Life Center men’s prayer meeting. October 5th,
2022. What the men discerned the Lord speaking to them was that a night of
entering the garden was coming and He was asking us to come pray with Him. Like
His disciples in the garden just before His passion, we discerned that we do
not and will not understand many of the events that occurring and are about to
occur in our world and that we do not know how to pray correctly. We felt that
the Lord was asking us to let Him pray through us with groanings and utterances
too deep for normal words; to pray in the Spirit. This caused us to ask
ourselves, what would walking in the shoes of the disciples in those days of
the Lord’s first coming look like if we are now walking in the days of His
second coming?
The presupposition made in this analysis is that because the
Lord fulfilled the spring festivals literally, precisely, completely, and
sequentially, He will fulfill the last days' events in the same manner. Thus, a
day means a day in the pattern we seek. Also,
the fall feasts of the Lord are feasts primarily dealing with Israel and the
- Events from the Bible of
the passion week; Jesus’ first coming.
- These events are seen as
current events and the disciples are seen as the part of believers subject
to the weaknesses of the flesh; the “old man” as Paul would say.
- The events are seen as
current events and seen, understood, and reacted to as we could see them
as the Lord’s body, His physical presence on the earth at this time. The
“new man” part of born-again and Spirit-filled believers plays the role
of Jesus.
The Passover is preceded by Purim. Purim is the time
remembering when Satan tried to destroy the Jews through Haman, a foreshadowing
of the Antichrist. Purim during the year of these last days events may be the
time when Satan tries once again to destroy the Jews through the Antichrist. This
then would be the time of the breaking of the first seal of Revelation chapter
6, the releasing of the Antichrist to begin his last days' work. Then comes
The last supper, the Passover Supper
We begin in the upper room as we prepare to journey to the
- The event: Judas’s
betrayal on the first day of Unleavened Bread, after sacrificing the
Passover lamb, at the last supper, a Passover meal.
- As we gather to celebrate
communion together, we face days of evil, corrupt governments, terrible
immorality, violence, and wars. These are uncertain and even frightening
times as seen through natural, human eyes. What lies ahead for us in the
days to come?
- As the Lord’s body on
earth right now, we see the joyous day approaching when the bride and
Jesus will be made one in the bond of a most holy wedding. And we see
with joy the day of God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven and
God’s Kingdom being established on the earth.
- Jesus washes the disciples'
- This is an act of His
love for and commitment to us, we sense His humility and His presence,
and His love in a very real, tangible way.
- We feel and express our
love for our brothers and sisters in Christ and desire to serve them in
humility and with all our hearts.
- Judas’ betrayal of Jesus was
- We find that there are
traitors among us. Some claim to be disciples, but have wrong motives and
are really only seeking worldly things from the Lord.
- We are discerning and
wise, not naive knowing that some among us are “traitors”
and will rebel against us. We also know that they will be exposed.
- Judas leaves.
- We watch as these
disciples “leave” to take matters into their own hands to get what they
- We understand that these
“traitors” are seeking their will to be done, not the Father’s will. We
know that they will end up turning away and deserting the Lord and the
true church.
- Communion
- Sometimes this ritual of
“eating” His body and “drinking” His blood is a mystery. It is something
we do just to remember that the Lord sacrificed His life for us.
- We know that the bread of
communion represents His body given for us. It is the bride price He paid
for us. The wine represents His blood shed for us and a seal of a
covenant, a covenant that is in effect a marriage contract. Then He tells
us that He is going away for a while to prepare a place for us in His
Father’s Kingdom. Then He asks us to remember Him; to be faithful to Him
until He returns for us to take us to His Father’s Kingdom for the
marriage ceremony. He promises to come for us, both living and the dead,
and take us to heaven to be with Him forever. This night the Lord is
calling us into a journey that will end with His coming to catch us up in
the air to be with Him forever.
- Jesus tells His disciples that
He will not eat the Passover meal with them again until it is fulfilled in
the Kingdom of God nor will He drink of the fruit of the vine until the
Kingdom of God comes.
- Our Lord is preparing us
for a great banquet, a wedding banquet in heaven where we will eat and
drink with Him in the Father’s Kingdom.
- For us as Jesus' physical
presence on the earth right now, our great desire and longing are to be
together as husband and wife in holy unity and to share eternal life with
- Jesus also tells his
disciples that those who have stayed with Him in His trials, He assigns to
them a kingdom just as His Father assigned to Him a kingdom; that they will
eat and drink at His table in His Kingdom and sit on thrones judging the
twelve tribes of Israel.
- The Lord is telling us
that if we stay with Him in the trials of life, we will be given
important assignments in the Kingdom as a part of His government.
- We anticipate that day
when after the trials, we will be living together and working together in
God’s Kingdom government on earth.
- Jesus tells Peter he will
deny Him.
- When we are confronted by
some of the events coming upon us, there will be those times when we
doubt, when we wonder if God is really in control. Sometimes even get
angry with Him when things don’t go as we want them to.
- We know that some of the
disciples will have doubts and disappointments; even get angry with the
Lord. But we know grace and mercy will cover it all and in the end, all
things will work for the good of those that love Christ. The Lord knows
and judges the heart of mankind.
- Jesus teaches the
disciples. “I am the way, truth, and the life.” Jesus promises the Holy
Spirit. “I am the true vine.” Teaches about the hatred of the world, the
work of the Holy Spirit, sorrow turning into joy, and overcoming the
- These days, it is
critical that we know the Bible, know His commandments, and know His
truths. It is especially critical that we know the Holy Spirit and how to
walk in the Spirit.
- These are days when we
need to be teaching and sharing the truths of the Bible. The truths
concerning the person of the Holy Spirit will be especially important.
- Jesus prays the high
priestly prayer for them.
- We must know that Jesus
is praying for us. The truth of the unity of the Spirit is essential to
knowing who we really are. Without being born again by the Spirit no one
is a true disciple and without being empowered by the Spirit we will be
ineffective in our work for the Lord and vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks.
- There should be a longing
in us like it is in the Lord for unity with each other and with the God
Head. Like Jesus, we should be praying for this all the time.
- They were worshiping as
they went to the garden.
- As we enter into these
last days, we need to be worshipping! The disciples were singing hymns as
they left for the garden.
- Like Jesus, we, representing
Jesus on the earth need to be worshiping God (Jehovah) in His fullness, with
awesome reverence, respect, and love for the God Head.
In the garden
- They went to the
garden/Gethsemane, on the Mount of Olives.
- So here we are entering
the days preceding the Lord’s second coming with fear and trembling just
as the early disciples entered the garden preceding the awesome days of
the Lord’s great redemptive act for all of us and giving us a new life in
- We enter these days knowing
that trials are coming but we are steadfast and enduring for the joy set
before us.
- Jesus tells the disciples
they will be offended and stumble and fall away but that He will be raised
up, and meet them in Galilee.
- Here is a great warning
for all of us. There is a great danger of being offended, stumbling, and
falling away because of what is coming our way. But, we need to remember
and believe that He will soon meet us in person, not in Galilee, but
- We, like the Lord, seek
to not only warn people of the dangers and trials coming but to comfort,
encourage, and motivate them to not be offended, stumble, and fall away.
We know that there is a special time of encounter with Jesus coming.
- Jesus asks Peter, James,
and John to keep watch with Him.
- Here is the Lord’s
request. Watch and pray with Him! We wonder, watch for what?
- We can, and will, pray
alone, but our desire is for others to pray in unity with us.
- Jesus tells them to remain
here and watch. He goes on a little farther, about a stone’s throw, and prays
for the cup to pass from Him, but not His will but the Father’s will be
- Notice that the Lord does
seem to “go away from them” a short distance. We might expect to feel
that the Lord has moved away from us as we face the future. But, notice,
it is a short distance. Only a stone’s throw away. Our problem at this
point is that we do not really know how to pray about the things going on
around us or about the coming future events.
- What really is going on is that in
prayer, the Lord is doing some awesome business with the Father
concerning His coming Kingdom and He wants us to participate in it with
Him. Since in the natural we do not know how or what to pray we need to
let the Spirit pray through us. This seems to be a call for us to pray
about and through the things going on and things to come in tongues.
- An angel appears from
heaven to strengthen Him.
- As we pray, we need to
know that the Lord has dispatched angels to help and support us.
- From the perspective of
Jesus’ bodily presence on the earth right now, we know that His angels
are actively at work supporting us and working to do their part in
establishing His Kingdom on the earth.
- Jesus sweats blood in His
agony and He prays more earnestly.
- In His humanity, Jesus
sweat blood over the events that were about to occur. The fearsome events
that seem to be on our horizon can cause these emotions and reactions for
us also.
- But, like with Jesus, we
know the joy that is set before us and we can endure the coming events.
We chose to do the Father’s will, and not our own knowing the great end of
His Story!
- Jesus found the disciples
sleeping. Jesus says, “Peter are you asleep? Could you not keep watch with
Me for one hour?
- It will be easy and
natural for the cares, worries, and fears of the coming days for us to
get very weary and just want to “fall asleep”; to become weary, passive
and inactive, and even hopeless in the days ahead.
- But the born again, Holy
Spirit inside part of us will know the importance of watching and praying
and interceding and seek others to join us in the watching and praying.
Again, much of our praying needs to be that led by revelations from the
Spirit and letting the Spirit pray through us in tongues.
- Jesus says to them, keep
awake, and watch and pray that you not come into temptation. Spirit
willing, but the flesh is weak.
- We are being warned about
temptations because the flesh part of us is weak, even though the spirit
is willing. The question for us individually is, what are these
temptations for me?
- We, representing Jesus
need to be watching and warning others as we see these temptations
coming. There is a special calling concerning being “watchmen” in the
coming days. Being watchmen requires knowing what to watch for. Knowing
the prophets and the prophecies of the Bible will be essential. And being
able to “hear” what the Spirit is saying to the churches in this hour.
- Jesus goes the second time
and prayed, Your will be done.
- Again, the disciples are sleeping.
- Jesus prays alone and
prays a third time, using the same words.
- The fight against the
weaknesses of the flesh is great. Persistence and resolve will be
- We do not give up on
others. We keep praying, not only for others, but for ourselves, always
seeking the strength, courage, and resolve to flow with the Father’s will
and not our own.
- Jesus says, “the hour is
at hand, the Son of Man is betrayed.
- Judas with the chief
priests and elders of the people come to take Jesus away.
- There will come that
special moment during our time in the garden when “the hour is at hand”.
Events will occur that will look very bad and frightful. It will seem as
though the enemy is getting the upper hand. In our day this might look
like a worldwide economic collapse, a major war, or levels of persecution
that we have not known before.
- Yet, like Jesus, we know
the end of the story and that these events must occur so that the plan be
executed and “all righteousness” be fulfilled. We will know when some
dramatic and special events take place that the very last days of the end
of the age have begun.
- Judas betrays Jesus with a
- We will be surprised and
even shocked as some that we had called “friends”, turn and cooperate
with the enemy in deceitful and shocking ways.
- From Jesus’ perspective,
we will not be surprised. We know that these things must be that the
scriptures be fulfilled. We also know that in the end, it was a part of
the great plan all along.
- Peter cuts off the ear of
a servant of the high priest.
- Jesus heals the man’s ear.
- Jesus tells Peter to put
away the sword.
- Jesus says that this must
take place so that the scriptures be fulfilled.
- There will be those
moments when we will want to “go to war” and take up arms over what we
see as injustices and evil.
- But the “Jesus” in us
will know that violence is not the answer. Even irrationally in the
natural, we are to pray for our enemies and heal them when they are
wounded by either deeds, words, or swords.
- Then the disciples
deserted Him and fled.
- This is scary. There will
be a point where those “in the flesh” will fall away. In the natural, all
will seem lost. There are coming days of great unrest, anxiety, distress,
fear, false doctrines, terrible moral conditions, lawlessness, wars, and
scoffers. It will be a time of rebellion and falling away from God. This
could be the beginning of the wars of Revelation 6 and Ezekiel 38.
- For those “walking in the
Spirit”, they will know that these days must come but that they are the
prelude to the events of Daniel 9 when the false messiah will appear on
the scene and the last seven years of trial and tribulation on the earth
will begin.
- Peter followed at a
- One young man followed
- The most tried and true
disciples will follow but at a distance. Being “politically incorrect” these
days will be scary and dangerous. Many will take the course of just being
quiet and keeping “out of sight”.
- Those that take a strong
stand against the evils will understand, but they will not keep quiet.
There will always be a voice for the Lord to confront the evils in the
land, regardless of the consequences.
The trials begin
- Jesus was taken to the
father-in-law of the high priest.
- The first “trial” of true
believers will be before the “religious” of the day. The hint is that
this religious sector of society will not be directly a part of the
senior leadership. Conservative, evangelical Christianity will be under
attack from the woke Christianity and the religious sector of society.
- At this point, Jesus was
passive and did not defend Himself openly. This may be a time of patient
endurance for true believers.
- Peter was taken into the
courtyard of the high priest by a servant girl and stood with the guards around
a fire where they stood warming themselves.
- During these times of
trial by the religious of the day, fear will give rise to the temptation
of just standing by and watching it all happen. Even if it means
associating with those that associate with and serve the religious sector
of society.
- Jesus did not condemn
Peter for this because He knew Peter’s heart and that he would repent and
return to be a key player in the early church. This should be how we
react to those that just stand by and watch. We pray for them as Jesus
prayed for Peter.
- Then Jesus was sent bound
to Caiaphas the high priest where the whole council was gathered.
- The chief priests and the
whole council sought to get false witnesses against Jesus so that they
might put Him to death.
- Two witnesses came forward
and testified against Jesus.
- Jesus kept silent. Then He
said “You will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Almighty
and coming on the clouds of the sky.
- At this point in the saga,
true believers will be attacked by the highest figures of leadership in
the “religious” world. There will be a flood of false witnesses, lies,
and accusations. Truth will be trampled underfoot.
- But Jesus kept silent.
Then He declared and proclaimed the profound truth about Himself and His
second coming. This will be the hour when the true church will openly proclaim
the truths concerning the soon coming of Jesus to destroy sin and sinners
and establish His Kingdom on Earth.
- Jesus was condemned to
- Events will occur that
will seem as if all is lost and true Christianity will be condemned to
- These will be days that
try men’s souls. But the Spirit within true believers knows that these
days will very soon come to an end. All is not what it seems to be. These
will be the days of Revelation chapter 6. The first seal of Revelation
chapter 6 will probably already have been broken and the Antichrist
released to do his evil deeds.
- Peter denies Jesus. Then
- There will come a time
when the passiveness and lack of faith of true believers are exposed and
recognized. This is when in humility and sorrow we repent with tears.
Satan will be very busy these days trying to draw believers away from the
Lord. Spiritual warfare upon the true church will be ferocious.
- But the Spirit within us
knows that Jesus has and is praying for us. And that as we repent and
turn again to Him, He will not only forgive us but strengthen us so that
we can strengthen others.
The next morning – The trial,
the cross
- Jesus is taken to Pilate.
- The attack on true
believers is now taken to another level. Godless, evil government elements
now enter the saga. True Christianity and believers will be persecuted
and attacked by the secular world and governments.
- True believers know this
must take place. They know from the scriptures and from the witness of
the Spirit that Satan is now beginning to make his final moves to
establish his kingdom on Earth.
- Judas brought back the
pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders.
- Judas hangs himself.
- The chief priests buy the potter’s
field in which to bury strangers. Call the field of blood.
- At this point in the
story, the original “traitors” see what they have done and attempt to
absolve themselves from guilt by trying to amend in the natural for their
actions. Turning to fallen religious people and systems will be fatal.
- Believers know that
without true repentance and humility and falling on their knees before a
merciful God, there is no forgiveness. The result of their actions will
be death.
- Jesus was confronted by
- Jesus made no reply to the
- Pilot sends Jesus to
- Herod and his soldiers
treated Him with contempt and mocked Him, and sent Him back to Pilate.
That day Herod and Pilate become friends.
- The trial of true
Christianity now will be in the political arena. It will involve both Jew
and Gentile governments.
- True believers know that
during these days, there will be a uniting of Jewish and Gentile
governmental leadership that will end up being Satan’s last days' empire.
We could expect the Antichrist to be involved at this time.
- Pilate then called
together the chief priests and the rulers and the people.
- The people chose to set
Barabbas free instead of Jesus.
- Pilot washes his hands of
the death of Jesus.
- The people cry crucify
Him. Let His blood be on us and on our children.
- Jesus was whipped and sent
to be crucified.
- Jesus stripped off His
clothes, put the scarlet robe on Him in mockery, put a crown of thorns on
His head, spat on Him, and struck Him. Then sent Him away to be crucified.
- Simon of Cyrene was forced
to carry Jesus’ cross.
- The disciples just
watched as Jesus was condemned. Even some of those who just days earlier
had welcomed Jesus into the city, now turned on Him, demanding that He be
crucified and releasing a known criminal instead of Him. In our day in
the flesh, we will see the true church persecuted like never before. Even
some who were previous supporters of the church will turn against her.
The name of Jesus will be trampled upon, spat upon, mocked, and
humiliated. There will be a great falling away during these days. These
could very well be days of the Ezekiel 38 war in the Middle East and the
events of the second through fifth seals of Revelation chapter 6.
- These are the days when
Jesus told His true disciples, “Pick up your cross and follow me.” These
are days when true disciples will desperately need the power of the Holy
Spirit to be the gospel carriers that they are supposed to be.
- Jesus said to the people
following, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your
children, for the days are coming when they will say, Blessed are the
barren, and they will cry to the mountains, ‘Fall on us,’ and to the
hills, ‘Cover us.
- These words are the words
from Revelation chapter 6 after a great earthquake. The people will be
saying to the mountains and hills, fall on us because they know that the
days of the wrath of the Lamb have come. There will be prophetic warnings
going out that the wrath of God is coming to the Earth.
- What true believers know
is that God’s children are not subject to the wrath of God and will be
kept from it. They will be the “watchman” crying out to the world, “Accept
Jesus now as your Lord and savior before it is too late. The wrath of God
is about to fall on the earth.”
- Jesus offered wine mixed
with myrrh, but He did not take it.
- Jesus was crucified and
- Two criminals were also
crucified, one on His right and one on His left.
- Jesus said, “Father,
forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
- And they cast lots to
divide His garments.
- The soldiers mocked Him
and offered Him sour wine.
- One of the criminals
railed at Him, but the other rebuked him saying, “Do you not fear God.”
Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
- Jesus replied, “Truly, I
say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
- Darkness over the land
from noon until three o’clock, the ninth hour.
- Jesus dies at the ninth
- The curtain of the
sanctuary was torn as the sun’s light failed.
- Tombs were opened and many
dead saints were raised to life.
- Jesus was buried at evening
time the day of Preparation, the day before the Sabbath.
- Joseph of Arimathea, a respected
and righteous man who was looking for the kingdom of God, a member of the
council, took Jesus down from the cross, wrapped Him in a linen shroud,
laid Him in a tomb, and rolled a stone against the entrance of the tomb.
- The events of the
crucifixion foreshadow days on the earth when all hell seems to be
breaking forth and there is death and chaos everywhere. Even at this late
hour, there will be many saved, even, like the thief of the cross, some
of the despots of the earth. The LORD’s mercy and grace are greater than
we can even know.
- These will be dark days.
The question is, what will the “crucifixion” of the true Church look
like? You can bet that it will not be pretty! The despot leaders of the
Gentile and Jewish worlds will move to try and completely stamp out true
Christianity. Events will occur that make it seem that they are
successful. The events of the arrest to the crucifixion occurred during
one day. These modern days of this “dark night of the sour” will probably
also be very short.
The resurrection – Then came the morning!
- At dawn on the first day
of the week, there was a great earthquake.
- On the day of first
fruits of this Passover week, we can expect some exceptional event, like
an earthquake, to occur.
- Angels tell Mary and the
other Mary that Jesus has risen.
- As they go to tell the
disciples, Jesus meets them. He tells them to tell the disciple to meet
Him in Galilee.
- Peter also goes to the
tomb and saw the linen cloths by themselves, the tomb empty.
- That very day Jesus
appears in another form to two other disciples as they were walking to
- Jesus come to them but
they did not recognize Him.
- Then Jesus, beginning with
Moses and the Prophets, interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the
things concerning Himself.
- They then returned to
Jerusalem and found the eleven and those who were with them gathered
together. They told them what happened on the road, and that Jesus
revealed Himself to them in the breaking of the bread.
- Eleven disciples go to
Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus directed and met the disciples there.
- At this point in the
story, for the disciples a new day is dawning. After a great earthquake,
many miraculous events will begin to occur and the Lord will actually
appear to many. Suddenly, God will move and restoration and rebuilding
will begin. It will be a time of joy and celebration.
- True believers know that
the last of the events before the rapture is beginning. Something new and
wonderful will happen. As Jesus was resurrected with a new body, a new
“body of Jesus” on the earth is being birthed. The “new” church will begin
to move in exceptional power and authority with signs and wonders in
The Church in which there is no
Jew or Gentile is incomplete because Jews as a nation are not part of it. Now
the Lord is beginning to gather 144 thousand Jews from each tribe of Israel to
be His representatives on the earth during the tribulation years. These tribulation
years will be the years of testing and purification for all of Israel to
complete God’s covenant promises to them.
- He appeared to the eleven
as they were reclining at table, and rebuked them for their unbelief and for
not believing those that had seen Him after He had risen.
- They were startled and
frightened and thought they saw a spirit.
- But Jesus tells them that
it is Himself and to touch Him and see that He has flesh and bones and He
showed them His hands and feet. Then He ate with them.
- To the natural man, the
appearance of Jesus to some people will be seen as “ghosts” or aliens
from another world. The power, signs, and wonders occurring through true
believers will be seen as “magic”, empowerment by aliens, or just plain
- True believers will know
the scriptures and know that Jesus is moving in and through His Church in
new and powerful ways. There will be new excitement as they see the Holy Spirit
moving in new and wonderful ways in the Jewish communities.
- Jesus also opened their
minds to understand the Scriptures, and about His death and resurrection,
and that they are to go and proclaim the gospel to all nations, beginning
from Jerusalem.
- These will be days of
great revelation and teaching by the Holy Spirit moving through the true
- Jesus breathed on them,
and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins
of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it
is withheld.”
- As the Holy Spirit moves,
many will be born again and given spiritual authority to use the name of
- Jesus then tells them that
He is sending the promise of His Father to them and that they are to stay
in the city until they are given power from on high to carry out their
- For the newly born-again
believers, Jesus tells them that along with their new authority in His
name, a new power to be His witnesses will be given to them.
- Jesus tells them all
authority has been given to Him. Jesus tells them to go and make
disciples, and that He will be with them to the end of the age.
- Jesus told them that
whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe
will be condemned.
- Jesus also told them that
signs will accompany those who believe: in His name they will cast out
demons; and speak in new tongues; not be harmed by serpents, poison will
not hurt them; and that they will lay their hands on the sick, and they
will recover.
- After this Jesus revealed
Himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias. This was the third
time that Jesus was revealed to the disciples after He was raised from the
- Jesus presented Himself
alive for forty days, speaking about the kingdom of God. While with them
He told them to not depart Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the
Father. The promise of power to be His witnesses in Jerusalem and in all
Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth
- Jesus breathed on eleven
Jewish men that day after His resurrection. He breathed on them and said,
“receive the Holy Spirit.” That
day they were born again and given the authority to use His name for
great signs and wonders. During the next 40 days, many will be born again
and given spiritual authority and power in Jesus’ name. These days will
be the gathering, equipping, and preparing of 144 thousand Jews to
represent the Lord during the first 3 ½ years of the great tribulation.
- The agents of this move
of God will sometimes be through personal encounters with Jesus. But the
true saints of God will know that it is the time of a great revival,
equipping, and gathering of the remnant of people to be saved before the
true Church is removed from the Earth and taken to be with Jesus forever.
And for a period of time, these will go out and lead many to a saving
knowledge of God and of the gospel of Jesus. These will be days of a
great ingathering, a gleaning of the wheat fields.
For the Jewish disciples,
something special will be happening. 144 thousand Jews will be beginning to be
gathered as born-again believers to be the Lord’s representatives on the earth
during the first 3 ½ years of the great tribulation.
The ascension
- After He had spoken to
them, He led them out as far as Bethany where He blessed them. While He
blessed them, He was taken up into heaven where a cloud took Him out of
their sight and He sat down at the right hand of God.
- While they looked on, two
angels appeared and told them that one day He will return and come in the
same way as they saw Him go into heaven.
- Then they worshiped Him
and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the
temple blessing God.
- The days of the wrath of
God have come. On earth, a new world leader has arisen and there is war
in the Middle East.
- But the Father’s sons and
daughters will not be subjected to His wrath and will be caught up in the
air to be with the Lord forever. Just as the Lord was taken up to heaven
in a cloud, the Church will be taken up to meet Him in the clouds. The
144 thousand Jewish evangelists will be supernaturally protected during
these days.
[1Th 5:9 ESV] For God has not
destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,
[1Th 4:15 NKJV] For this we say
to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive [and] remain until the
coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep.
[1Th 4:16 NKJV] For the Lord
Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel,
and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.
[1Th 4:17 NKJV] Then we who are
alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet
the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.
[1Th 4:18 NKJV] Therefore comfort
one another with these words.
The final fulfillment of the
feasts of the Lord for the Church will be ascending in the clouds at the
rapture 10 days before the feast of Pentecost just as Jesus ascended into the
clouds at His ascension. Israel and the Jews however are entering into the days
of the fall feasts of the Lord, the feasts of Israel.
- On the day of Pentecost,
the disciples were in an upper room in Jerusalem when suddenly there came
a sound like a mighty wind from heaven, and something like a flame of fire
appeared and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the
power of the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit
gave them utterance.
- Ten days after the
rapture, on the day of Pentecost, the 144 thousand Jewish disciples will
be equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit to be the Lord’s witness on
the earth to replace the Church. The marking of the 144 thousand Jews in
Revelation chapter 6 could be this event. The days following this event
could quite possibly only be about 3 months. These would be the days of
the second through the fifth seals of Revelation chapter 6.
- On the Feast of Trumpets
of this year, there will be a great earthquake at the breaking of the 6th
seal. An alternate time for the rapture of the Church may be this Feast
of Trumpets. This would leave the Church on the earth along with the 144
thousand Jews for the final harvest between Pentecost and the Feast of
Trumpets during this year. This feast is sometimes called the Feast of
the Last Trumpet and it is a feast calling believers into God’s presence
(the Temple in ancient days). It is often associated with the rapture of
the Church. This would mean that the days of the wrath of God, the wrath
of the Lamb, would begin at the breaking of the sixth seal and the great
earthquake rather than at the breaking of the second seal and the war of
Ezekiel 38.
For Israel and the Jews, this
Feast of Trumpets initiates the days of the prophet Daniel’s last seven years
of trials and tribulation.
- The Lord warns Israel that
the 10 days between Trumpets and Atonement will be days of testing and
trouble. They are even called “the days of awe”. For 10 days Satan in the
person of the Antichrist will throw some of them into prison and persecute
them in many other ways. But the Lord tells them to be faithful, even unto
death, and He will give them the crown of life.
- During the ten days between
Trumpets and Atonement, the Lord will destroy the armies attacking Israel
and there will be 10 intense days of persecution, chaos, confusion, and
trouble. Then on the Day of Atonement, the Antichrist will arrange a
seven-year cease-fire or peace treaty and the seven years of the great
tribulation will begin.
God now turns His full attention back to Israel and His
covenant promises to them. There will be a seven-year time of trial, testing,
and refining. Only about a third of the Jews will survive these days.
[Rom 11:25 ESV] Lest you be wise in
your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers: a
partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has
come in.
[Rom 11:26 ESV] And in this way all
Israel will be saved, as it is written, "The Deliverer will come from
Zion, he will banish ungodliness from Jacob";
[Rom 11:27 ESV] "and this will
be my covenant with them when I take away their sins."
[Zec 13:8 ESV] In the whole land,
declares the LORD, two thirds shall be cut off and perish, and one third shall
be left alive.
[Zec 13:9 ESV] And I will put this
third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as
gold is tested. They will call upon my name, and I will answer them. I will
say, 'They are my people'; and they will say, 'The LORD is my God.'"
The Feast of Trumpets beginning the 8th year
after the 7 years of tribulation will be a special time for the Jews that
accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior during the past 7 years. This most
probably will be the Lord’s reaping of Revelation chapter 14. At the blast of
the last trumpet of the Feast of Trumpets, the Lord catches these believers up to
be with Him in Heaven, thus saving them from the last 10 days of the wrath of
God; the 10 days between Trumpets and Atonement of that year. For the surviving
Jewish remnant, the Day of Atonement of the eighth year will be a joyous
day of regathering from the four corners of the world at the blast of the great
shofar as the Lord Jesus returns to the earth as King of kings and Lord of
lords! In the Abrahamic covenant, God promised Israel a King and Kingdom
forever, a land forever, and blessings forever. So it shall be!
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