Notes for
the PowerPoint presentation on – The Feasts of the Lord
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Finding hope, comfort, and encouragement in the Feast of the
The Feasts are revelations of Jesus.
The Feasts are prophecies of God’s work on earth in and
through Jesus.
We need to see the Feasts through both the eyes of Israel
and the Jews and the Church.
Ask yourself how might these feasts apply to Israel and the
Jews, and how they apply to the Church.
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The Spring Feasts are prophecies of Jesus’ first coming to
the earth.
To the Jews, these feasts are historical. They celebrate the
exodus from Egypt, the crossing of the Red Sea, and the giving of the Law.
To the Church, Jesus, the Lamb of God, fulfilled these
prophecies with His death, resurrection, and the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus fulfilled the prophecies literally and precisely. He
will fulfill the fall feast in the same manner.
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The Days of Mourning – The start of 21 days of great trouble
for Israel.
Did anything special happen this year on July 9th?
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The 9th of Ave – July 30, 2020.
A day of great disasters for Israel.
What Biblical days of great
trouble have yet to be accomplished? Days of war? (Ezek.38?)
Could these days of war and trouble
possibly begin on the 9th of Av one day?
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The Fall Feasts – Prophecies of
Jesus’ second coming to the earth.
Teshuvah – 30 days of
repentance and a call to return to the Lord to prepare for the Feast of
These are days of finding “righteousness”
in order to enter the Temple on the Feast of Trumpets.
For the Jew, they are days of
making sacrifices to get right with their fellow man and to get right with God.
The Church has been given
righteousness by God through Jesus. These are days of helping others find true
righteousness in Jesus before the Feast of Trumpets.
Ps. 27 and Ezek. 33 are read
each evening of the 30 days and are keys to understanding these days of
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The Feast of Trumpets
To enter the Temple for the
Feast of Trumpets your name must be written in the Book of Life.
At the sight of the new moon by
the High Priest, trumpets are blown to call the people to the Temple. The l00th
trumpet blast is called the blast of the Last Trumpet.
The Feast of Trumpets is the
beginning of the civil new year and for Jubilee years.
It is a two-day festival but
considered “one long day” and also know as the day no one knows.
It is known as a Day of
Judgement, and the resurrection of the dead when the dead are resurrected and
judged to see if their name is written in the Book of Life.
It is also known as a Day of
It is a Day of Concealment per
Psalm 27 when the righteous are concealed or hidden in the secret place of His
tent in the days of trouble that will follow the Feast of Trumpets.
It is the Day of The King.
Traditionally the day of the wedding and/or coronation of a Jewish King. For
the Jews, the Feast of Pentecost is the feast of the blast of the first trump
and is the engagement of Israel to God. Trumpets, the blast of the last trumpet
is the wedding of Israel to God.
For the Church, the engagement
was the first Pentecost, and whenever one accepts Jesus as their Lord and
Savior. The Church is the virgin Bride of Christ. The wedding will be at a Feast
of Trumpets.
For Jew and Gentile, the Feast
of Trumpets is a prophecy of God’s people entering into His Tabernacle in
Heaven for the wedding of the King, Jesus.
For those whose names were not
found on the Book of Life, Trumpets is the start of 10 days of great trouble
called the Days of Awe or the Awesome Days. These 10 days may be 10 years, 7 of
those years being the 7 years of tribulation just before the return of Jesus as
King of kings.
It is still possible to “find
righteousness” and get your name written in the Book of Life before the final
judgment of the Day of Atonement, but it will probably cost you your life.
The traditional greeting during
these 10 days is “may you be sealed unto the Day of Atonement”.
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The Day of Atonement – The Day
of Redemption.
A fearsome day, a Day of Judgment
when God grants or denies atonement for the coming year. The holiest day in the
Jewish year. On this day the High Priest enters the Holy of Holies to seek
atonement for the coming year for Israel.
As the Gates of Heaven are
opened during the first service of the Feast of Trumpets, they are closed
during the last service of the Day of Atonement.
This is the day of the blowing
of the Shofar haGadol, the Great Shofar. It is blown to gather the surviving
believers from the days of tribulation.
This yearly Redemption for
Israel is to be made permanent and complete of the Day Messiah comes. The Day
of Atonement is the prophecy of the return of Christ Jesus as the King of
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The Feast of Tabernacles – The most
joyful day of the year.
Historically it celebrates the
days when God provided for Israel in the wilderness. It is a prophecy of the
days of the millennial reign of Christ when God provides for and lives among
His people.
During these 7 days, the
Priests provided great suppers for the people of Israel who gathered around the
Temple and lived in tents during the festival.
The Temple is lit with 4 great
lights or torches during the festival. It is called the Feast of Lights.
It is a prophecy of the Kingdom
Age, the 1000-year reign of Jesus on earth as the King.
It is also a prophecy of the
wedding supper of the Lamb that occurs after the Lord’s return.
In an old, traditional Jewish
wedding, after the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom go into a 7 day time
of seclusion. It is after this time of seclusion that the wedding supper is
The Eighth Day, Shemini Atzeret
– called the Day Beyond Time and the Age to Come.
A prophecy of the days after
the 1000-year reign of Christ on earth when all things are made new. [Rev 21:1,
5 ESV] 1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the
first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. ... 5 And he who was
seated on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." Also,
he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."
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Hanukkah – Historically Hanukkah
celebrates the cleansing and rededication of the second Temple in 165 B.C.
It is a prophecy of the
dedication of the Lord’s Tempe during His 1000 year reign on the earth, a temple
not made by human hands.
For a complete study of the
Feasts of Israel, see “The Revelation of Jesus in the Seven Holy Feasts of
Israel” (posted 3-16-2019) on my blog at:
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