1 Ch 12:32 Of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their kinsmen were at their command.

The sons of Issachar were intelligent men, who understood the signs of the times, well versed in political affairs, and knew what was proper to be done in all the exigencies of human life; and who now perceived that it was both the duty and political interest of Israel to advance David to the throne.Today we seek sons and daughters of Issachar, men and women who understand the times we are living in and know what is to be done in all the exigencies of human life to advance King Jesus to His throne.

This blog is devoted to seeking Biblical truth related to current world events.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

The prophecy of Judges 6, 7, and 8

 Insights into our current problems in America from Judges 6, 7, and 8.

Jonathan Cahn in his excellent series of books has shown that events in the history of Israel are often harbingers of events in America. During one of our C4LC men’s Bible studies, one of our members made an interesting observation concerning Judges chapter 7. This led me to take a close look at Judges 6, 7, and 8, the story of Gideon and the Midianites. Could these events in Israel’s past possibly be a harbinger of the events occurring in America today?  

Let’s look at these scriptures seeing Israel as America, The Midianites as the evil cabal or globalists that have invaded our nation, and Gideon as a man, Trump, sent by the Lord to deliver America from the evil that has invaded America, a type of Gideon.

Judges 6:1-6   America to a large extent has turned from God and become a largely secular nation doing what is evil in the sight of the Lord. What we have seen in the past several years is evil people getting into positions of influence and power working to fundamentally change America into a socialist/communist nation and eventually to establish a one-world government controlled by a few elite people. This invasion of evil could be seen as the Lord giving America into their hands for a season due to the fallen condition of the nation.

But like Israel, a remnant of the people (the true Church) cried out to the Lord for help. And the Lord heard and responded by sending a man (Trump) to deal with these evil people that were destroying America. It is interesting that in verse 10 the Lord implies that this battle is against the “gods of the Amorites” (the evil ones). All of this is a spiritual battle against Satan’s ultimate plan to establish his kingdom on the earth.

Judges 6:11-24   At this point the Lord calls Gideon (Trump) to deliver Israel (America). The Lord assures Trump that He is with him and calls him a mighty man of valor. Then the Lord sends Trump to save America from the hand of the evil ones. Trump, like Gideon, seems to be the least likely and qualified person to be called for such a task. But through a miraculous event, the surprising election of Trump as the president of the USA, the Lord confirms His call on Trump. The first task Gideon (Trump) is given is to attack and tear down the idols that the evil people worship. During Trump’s first term as President of the USA, he accomplished many things that unraveled (torn down) many of the adverse activities and policies the previous governments had put in place. But like with Gideon this caused the evil ones to mount up a great attack against him. This has been going on since Trump’s election and is raging right now (Judges 6:33-35). Then an alarm is sounded and a large group of supporters comes together to support Trump. It is estimated that over 85 million people voted for Trump in the Nov. 3, 2020 election.

Judges 7:1-8   Now with the enemy “encamped” before America and seemingly in positions of power, the Lord makes some unusual moves. He first removes from Trump’s supporters all who are afraid and halfhearted. We are seeing this happen today. Fear is the primary weapon the enemy is using to get people to be compliant and obedient to their control and abandoned Trump. The Lord allows this because there were too many with Trump “lest the people boast over God and say that their own hand has saved them”. But there are still too many with Trump so the Lord then removes others leaving only those that are true warriors. It is with this remnant that the Lord will move to pull down the enemy in such a manner that all the world will know that only God could do such a thing and God will get all the glory.

Judges 7:9-15   At this point the Lord sounds the attack alarm. But there is still some fear and hesitancy in the camp so the Lord provides intelligence from the enemy’s camp that reassures Trump and reveals that the enemy camp is fearful and in a state of panic. This is occurring this very day as the evil plots and deeds of the enemy are being exposed. Now Trump and his forces are ready for the attack

At this point, we peer into the future. If this harbinger continues then we might expect to see events such as these very soon.

Judges 7:16-22   What happens next is amazing. God gives Gideon (Trump) the battle plan. Instead of weapons of physical war (carnal weapons) the Lord gives Trump spiritual weapons, a trumpet for the right hand and a torch for the left hand. The weapons are the voice (word) of the Lord (the trumpets) and the power of the Holy Spirit (flames of fire). The enemy camp is surrounded by this spiritual army and at the Lord’s signal the trumpets are sounded and the light of the torches (the power of the Holy Spirit) is revealed. The result is that the enemy turns against one another (“every man’s sword against his comrade and against all the enemy’s army”) and the army is defeated and they flee away. The defeat of America’s enemies will be supernatural by the hand of God and He will get all of the glory!

Judges 7:23-25   Now, like with Gideon, many others will join the Trump movement as the enemy is pursued, captured, and judged. Key leaders of the enemy camp will be captured and executed like Oreb and Zeeb were. 

Judges 8:1-3   But the story does not end here. There will be certain people of America that will still grumble that were not given credit as a part of the victory. But eventually, they also will come to understand that it was God who gained the victory and not mere men and God will be honored and glorified.

Judges 8:4-9   Trump and his followers (army) will pursue the enemy beyond the borders of America, he will ask those of other nations to help. But because the “Kings” of all this evil have yet to be taken, they will refuse to help. There will be severe consequences for them after the “Kings” are taken down. These “Kings” are the real evil leaders (the king pins) of the globalist movement to establish a one-world government.

Judges 8:10-12   The real “Kings” of the evil movement (the cabal) will flee to a retreat with a small remnant army and feel secure. But Trump and his army will pursue them, attack them, and will capture the “Kings” (as Zebah and Zalmunna were captured).

Judges 8:13-21   After the battle, the nations, and people that did not support Trump’s efforts will experience severe consequences for their non-support. And the captured “Kings” will be killed.

Judges 8:22-28   The people of America will want Trump to rule over them but he will say “no, the Lord will rule over you” and there will be a great revival for a season in the nation and throughout the nations of the earth.

Judges 8:29-35   But, after a season of revival, good times, and prosperity, America, as it was with Israel, will turn once again to evil, worshipping false gods, and not remembering the Lord their God who had delivered them from their enemies. And they will not show respect to the family of Trump in return for all he had done for them. In the end America will fall back into the camp of the enemy.

The defeat of the evil of the current cabal will not end Satan’s work to establish his kingdom on earth. However, this evil will be restrained until “he who restrains” is taken out of the way (2 Thes 2:7). When the restrainer is taken away, Satan will be released in the person of the Antichrist to begin his work at the end of the age. Then God will move in His wrath (Rev 6:16-17) to bring righteous judgment to Satan and all who follow him whose names are not found in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and the seven years of the great tribulation will begin.


August 12, 2021

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